
Define the innovation using the Perceived Attributes of Innovation then describe the Innovation Decision Process by using the information in the Diffusion of Innovation Process figure below (see Rogers′ page 170) to identify how the innovation decision and diffusion of innovation is occurring.Make sure you discuss each of the attributes AND each of the 16 steps in the five phases of diffusion.


Adoption of drinking match

Perceived Attributes of Innovation

Innovation is one of the attributes in the diffusion of innovations that involves practice, ideology, or a projected scheme perceived by an individual or a unit as a new adoption. As perceived as the newest may still be an innovation element within a diffusion-decision, implementation, knowledge, confirmation, and persuasion characteristics related to adoption. In the diffusion of the innovation process, these five steps involve information processing and information seeking under reduced uncertainties by motivating individuals (Rogers, 2003). Through the process, different activities are involved.

Attributes of Innovation

The Relative Degree

This attribute will define the perceived innovation of drinking matcha as the best compared to the idea it supersedes (Rogers, 2003).


It is a factor that will expose the interlinking of the innovation of the existing values, needs of the potential users or adopters, and past experience.


The drinking of matcha will require evaluation of the perceived difficulties in understanding its use or subjected to simplicity for easy adoption (Rogers, 2003).


This attribute will define the degree of experimenting with the drinking of matcha on only a limited basis based on time, resources, and energy (Rogers, 2003).


It will involve the feature of the drinking of matcha to measure the degree of innovation visibility results of adoption to the adopters, which should be positive outcomes after implementation as expected from their decisions (Rogers, 2003). 

Diffusion Decision Process


Knowledge is one of the important stages that involve innovation decisions by making people learn about the existence of the innovation and seek information drinking of matcha product adoption. Knowledge will seek “What? How? and why?” the adopters should attempt drinking matcha based on how and why it functions in usability (Rogers, 2003). In this fact, knowledge of drinking matcha will involve trialability of the new product based on the user principles knowledge and awareness knowledge and how-to-use its knowledge.

Persuasion Stage

The persuasion stage of the diffusion process occurs to individuals based on the perceived negative or positive attitude toward innovation. In drinking matcha innovation, a favorable or unfavorable attitude is expected and may not lead to direct or indirect rejection or adoption of the new product. The drinking of matcha innovation may land on either of the two factors leading to trialability, observability, and relative advantage of the product (Rogers, 2003). Complexity may lead to negative perceptions or attitudes and pose rejection to some individuals.


Adoption or rejection is expected in every innovation and may lead to market failure of a product. The innovation decision-decision process will allow customers to make choices to adopt or reject the invention. This factor refers to innovation as the best course of drinking matcha as active action that can expose if the individuals will reject or adopt the matcha drinking or try on their situation before making an adoption decision (Rogers, 2003). A rejection in such a situation will be passive or active based on the vicarious trial of drinking matcha. It may lead to a discontinuance decision after early adoption.

Implementation Stage

            In this diffusion process, the implementation stage is put into practice to bring the newness drinking of matcha under an acceptable degree of uncertainty in diffusion. As a concern in the market, the drinking of matcha will acquire uncertainty about the outcomes of innovation as a problem in the process. It requires technical assistance to the implementer to change the potential agent and others to reduce the degree of uncertainty due to the expected consequences of adopting the drinking of matcha. This stage is sensitive because the brand because it ends the diffusion-decision process. The new idea may disappear as a separate identity due to distinctive quality and innovation losses (Rogers, 2003). This incident welcomes the renovation and reinvention of practice leading the drinking of matcha to be modified or changed to reduce the uncertainties.

Confirmation Stage

            The confirmation stage supports the innovation decision made for the drinking of matcha. Decisions are reserved after the users are exposed to conflicting messages about the innovation. The users tend to avoid this information and seek help, which supports the drinking of matcha to confirm their decision (Rogers, 2003). Attitude in this stage is more crucial at the confirmation stage because it will define the discontinuance or adoption of drinking matcha products either in a replacement or disenchantment way.