Find four current(within the last five years)event articles, news reports, etc, related to social work/social welfare/social policy,etc and complete a 2-4 tyoed paragraph summary of each of the articles, stories, etc. Your summary must also include two ways in which each article relates to social work.


Analysis of Social Work Articles

Social work is efficient for the academic discipline as it enhances social cohesion,
development, and change of individuals. This analysis focuses on summarizing social articles
and understanding their connection with social work.
De Kock et al. (2021) focus on health and social care workers' struggle with mental
health issues during this pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had direct consequences, so
supporting their psychological well-being is essential. The article relates to social work because
it addresses mental health and social care professionals.
According to Barron (2022), workers acknowledge the existence of racism within the
child welfare system, as highlighted in the second article. Social work faces the challenge of
tackling systemic racism and inequities through the article. In this article, social workers are
clear that the child welfare system seeks justice through advocacy and work towards fairness in
child welfare systems.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected older adults, especially those
with underlying health conditions living in poverty. The system draws attention to the social
injustices and disparities that put older adults at risk of vulnerability (Berg-Weger & Morley,
2020). Social work is evident in this article because asocial worker advocates for vulnerable
older populations and work towards social change to ensure fair access to healthcare and
The fourth article's important topic is social isolation and loneliness experienced by older
adults Cox, C. (2021). Social work is an all-encompassing method that combats social isolation
through developing and testing interventions. Addressing older adults' social and emotional well-

being is a crucial aspect of social work, illustrating this relationship. Through program creation
and implementation, social workers can contribute to the fight against loneliness and isolation,
ultimately enhancing the welfare of older adults.