Pick a quote from ″Tolstoy′s ″Death of Ivan Ilyich″, analyze the quote and explain how it connects to the theme of the text. Please write the quote in quotation marks. My professor said don′t go beyond a page and a half for the response. You could refer to the pdf I attached.


Analyzing the Quote Death of Ivan Ilyich


Ivan Ilyich's life is "most plain and most ordinary and hence most horrible," according
to him. His life is spent climbing the social ladder he knows. He is married to a lady he
frequently finds overly demanding. Still, because of his influence over a buddy recently
promoted, he rose the ranks to become a judge. All these are captured in the quote, Death of
Ivan Ilyich, described in the following paper.
The quote views Ilyich as having a natural death and the death of his legacy. He does
not give it much thought at first, but he soon starts to feel discomfort in his side. His
irritability toward his family escalates as his suffering worsens. His wife ultimately persuades
him to go to the doctor (Tolstoy, 2005). The doctor is stumped about the cause of his illness,
and he is facing the last moments. Ivan sets out to heal his increasing condition with his
diagnosis in hand by attempting every remedy.
Ivan's thoughts turn to the concept that he does not deserve this misery since he is led
a good life. He had not shown a decent life. His suffering may have a purpose, yet, since he
has, his suffering and death must be random and meaningless (Tolstoy, 2005). After all, he
starts to wonder if his life has been a good one.
In conclusion, a manufactured life like his own, one that makes one afraid of death
and hides the fundamental meaning of existence and life itself, is contrasted with a genuine
one like Gerasim's. Compassion and sympathy are hallmarks of authentic life; self-interest
characterizes artificial life. While he still has resentment against his daughter and wife, he is
come to care for them and pray that his death frees them. As Tolstoy indicates, death itself
evaporates as a result of this process.