Select a two dimensional image to analyze that is either a work of art(photograph, illustration, or painting) or an advertisement .

State whether the image fulfilled it’s intended purpose

What is your FTC analysis? Use the FTC palette to break down the image into form, theme, and context. Include answers to the following
- how are the principles of design used? Perspective and foreshortening? Color? Imagery? Don’t just identify the principles but tell us how they convey meaning. Why did the artist use a particular principle in a particular way?
-what do you believe is the theme of the image? Why?
-who produces the image?
- who do you think is the intended audience and why? Describe the audience in terms of culture, demographic(who they are) and psychographic(how they feel)

Overall do you think the creator succeed in conveying the intended message to the target audience? Why or why not? What changes could the artist have made to convey this message more effectively


Select a two dimensional image to analyze that is either a work of art(photograph, illustration, or painting) or an advertisement .

State whether the image fulfilled it’s intended purpose

What is your FTC analysis? Use the FTC palette to break down the image into form, theme, and context. Include answers to the following
- how are the principles of design used? Perspective and foreshortening? Color? Imagery? Don’t just identify the principles but tell us how they convey meaning. Why did the artist use a particular principle in a particular way?
-what do you believe is the theme of the image? Why?
-who produces the image?
- who do you think is the intended audience and why? Describe the audience in terms of culture, demographic(who they are) and psychographic(how they feel)

Overall do you think the creator succeed in conveying the intended message to the target audience? Why or why not? What changes could the artist have made to convey this message more effectively