
Prior to completing this assignment, be sure to have read the readings and reviewed the following lesson on periodization periods and cycles within those periods. You will be expected to use identified terms within that lesson correctly and with clarity. You will be required to submit two documents. A word document and an individually formatted Excel chart. Part A: In your Word document: For this assignment you will choose an individual event athlete. This athlete must be a College/University athlete and there must be Olympic level competition after their college career. Do not use a golf athlete as this sport is used as an example within the PES Text book. The individual event sport of Golf in Appendix A of the PES text book can be used to assist you along with your decisions from the previous assignments and discussions. You are the Head Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning Coach at the College/University where your athlete attends. List and Identify an athlete and the Individual event/sport in which they participate. Provide a link to your athlete′s College/University roster bio page. List and describe the specific demands of the sport. Use references to back up your information. Provide an annual time line for your athlete′s College/University competition year. Preparatory Period – Off Season Transition Period – Pre Season Competition Period – In Season Include a brief summary of your athlete′s entire career thus far. (2-5 sentences) Establish a brief version of your Athlete Assessment Plan, providing the following information: Identify the Assessment* What data will it gather Why is this data important to the Athlete? Why is this data important to the Head Olympic Sports Strength and Conditioning Coach? Time of year when data will be gathered Describe how you will collect and store data collected in the assessment results If and when data will be released and to whom it will be released *Repeat for each assessment within the Athlete Assessment Plan You are required to include relevant assessments from the following areas: Readiness for Activity Physiological Postural Transitional and Dynamic Posture Performance Strength Power SAQ Metabolic These Assessments are located within PES, Chapter 3; CES Chapters 4, 5, & 6. In your opinion, what are the 5 primary goals and/or considerations for your Athlete during the Competition Period–In Season for Individual Events/Sports (Golf Example: PES Text, pg. 615). Why did you choose these goals and/or considerations as primary? What are the major influences in your choices of primary goals and/or considerations? Explain. Part B: In your Excel document: Create a sample training program: Present your periodization program using a Mesocycle training plan (PES Chapter 12, pg. 436) for the Competition Period–In Season for your athlete. Identify and define the specific type of periodization plan and what phases of the OPT model (PES Chapter 12 & CPT Chapter 14) you will be addressing during your specified timeline. Using Excel, create a table that contains the following items: Type of periodization plan: Block, Linear, Undulating, or another type. Type of OPT Phase(s) used and length of time on each phase. All acute variables, and ranges for those variables, based on chosen OPT phase and goals. Use CPT Chapter 14, tables 14.7 through 14.11, & PES tables 12.15 through 12.27 for assistance with acute variable ranges for your chosen OPT phases, column headings, and fitness components (Flexibility, Core, Balance, etc). Include 1-3 specific exercises for each fitness component within the training plan. Part C: In your Word document: Summarize the following: Provide rational for your type of periodization plan, choice of OPT phase(s), and exercise choices during your designed Mesocycle training plan for the Competition Period–In Season using required reading materials and out side industry approved sources. Explain why you chose each specific exercise for your athlete. No need to describe how to perform the exercise, just the name. Use your 5 primary goals and/or considerations for your athlete during the Competition Period–In Season to back up your choices, along with required readings and industry approved resources. Requirements: The narrative of your paper should include common sense answers. Please support the rationale for your thoughts and opinions. Cite the sources of any definitions or ideas that are not your own using appropriate academic sources (Reference page must be present – required readings as sources are encouraged). Use these instructions and attached Assignment 2 Format and Layout Guidelines for assistance with organization and submission of the assignment. Formatting: The writing component must meet all rules of APA formatting (7th edition) title page headings: See outline above for heading title ideas page numbers in-text citations reference page Including the title and reference pages, your entire submission will be no shorter than 5 pages. **Please refer to our APUS Library for help with APA formatting. And the Purdue Owl: Please use your required weekly readings (all readings up to this point), for sport specific content you may use industry approved web sites. Please refer to the attached rubric for additional details and guidance


Hockey and its Background

Hockey is a grueling sport that requires players to utilize their whole bodies to compete for the ball. In hockey, like in other contact sports like football and rugby, stronger and bigger players are more likely to retain control of the puck. As a result, a hockey player's periodization regimen would be incomplete without strength training. Elite female hockey players that have been chosen for the World League will benefit from this training regimen. The following events are included in the hockey calendar during the season:

Domestic League: The Premier Hockey Federation (PHF)

Formerly The National Women’s Hockey League (NWHL), PHP is a professional women’s sports in North America established in 2015 and has six teams. The teams comprise Minnesota Whitecaps, Toronto Six, Metropolitan Riveters, Connecticut Whale, Buffalo Beauts, and Boston Pride. The PHF usually runs from November to March each season.

Major Competition: World League

The World League is held twice a year. It is a high-profile tournament since it gives qualifying nations the chance to compete in the Olympic Games.

Needs Assessment

Elite hockey players must be incredibly quick and agile to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the game; we will focus on strength and power development and endurance training phases in this training program to accomplish sophisticated abilities during normal play. Regarding positions like a forward striker, the player must be able to outpace and break past the opponent's defense to take a shot at the goal. To prepare an elite player for a match, fitness, speed, and agility must be included in the training routine.

The importance of strength training in a hockey player's game cannot be overstated. As a result, the emphasis of this workout program will be on building strength, power, and endurance. Without them, developing the physical strength to serve her well against physically larger and more formidable opponents is impossible. Maintaining a high level of play in the latter parts of a match is dependent on a player's muscular endurance. When teams are neck-and-neck for much of a game, the players’ physical exhaustion makes the difference. Ensuring players have the physical stamina, and mental fortitude to play is essential to their success.

Developing a player's core stability is another critical component of the training regimen. Elite hockey players must have well-developed core muscles to accomplish rapid turns and successfully transfer body weight to the shoots. Besides the quadriceps, gluteal Maximus, hamstring, and latissimus dorsum muscles, the triceps, biceps, and forearms are also crucial in hockey.

Static ROM (range of motion) around a joint is meant by the term “flexibility” (Donti et al., 2018). Physically larger and more formidable opponents are forced to play in low and uncomfortable positions due to the sport's emphasis on repeated motions. An athlete must move her joints through the complete range of motion. This is why enhancing a player's flexibility is critical to her success.

The capacity to move quickly, whether on foot, bike, skating, or in the water, is referred to as one's "speed" (Varghese et al., 2022). The capacity to brake quickly, alter direction, and accelerate faster is what agility means.  "quickness" refers to a person's ability to respond quickly to a particular stimulus (Gabbett et al., 2017). Players in most ball sports, notably hockey, need to be fast and agile to shake off their opponents while they have control of the ball. The ability to make a rapid choice on what skill or shot to use and the ability to respond quickly to the surrounding environment are two of the most important characteristics of an exceptional player. Agility and technical abilities are vital for a player to maintain control of the game for as long as possible in a fast-paced game. In any sport, including ice hockey, a player's ability to quickly get into an offensive position is critical (Bizzini, 2022). An individual's growth and progress must be tracked in a training program. Setting short-term and long-term objectives might be used to evaluate this. There must be SMART goals for them to be successful.

Image for Athlete Profile


Middle term

Long term

For 70 minutes of play, maintain high power and strength endurance.

Sprinting speeds may be improved by attempting to outpace one's personal best.

Shuttle run

• Increase stamina by beating your previous best in beep score.


• In the Gascon test, a new personal best was set.

Improve speed, agility, and quickness to keep the ball for longer in games.

Accurately tracking more shots on goal can help you improve your shooting power and accuracy.

Muscles of core stability should be increased.

Completing at high work rates (the ability to intercept, pursue, and pressure opponents) for prolonged periods improves overall match fitness.

• To increase the ability to hit the ball with increased force and speed.

To get an edge in a one-on-one scenario, one must build up one's physical strength.

Name: Caroline Harvey: Female

Age: 20 years old

Sport: Ice Hockey: Defense

Started playing at the age of 8 years

Harvey, a full-time student, must balance her schoolwork with her ice hockey commitments. As a result of her early involvement in the sport, she has a solid foundation of hockey-related talents. Since she debuted for the senior women's squad as a member of the U16 national team at age 15, she has had previous experience playing overseas.  Harvey plays for the national ice hockey team of the United States. Priority is given to the Olympic Games above the America Cup and the National Women's League 1 since it will be a milestone in her career.

As a result, the training program is designed to take into account her current level of fitness and expertise. Harvey has been using weight training for the last three years, with an average of two to three weekly sessions. The present periodization strategy seems to be a long-term commitment for any athlete. It is meant to assist her in reaching her peak performance for the World League at the end of the year, given her extensive hockey experience and expertise with weight training.

Image for Annual Periodization Training for Caroline Harvey (An elite Hockey Player)

General Strength Period

The workouts in this training regimen are meant to assist the athlete's muscles, tendons, and ligaments grow and prepare them for the more intense training that will follow. Individuals' inter­muscular coordination is a primary focus during the general strength phase. Regardless of the sport in which an athlete participates, coordination and balance are critical components of their development (Bompa & Carrera, 2015).

The emphasis of this program is on cardiovascular and muscular endurance activities. Bodyweight, strength machine, barbell, and medicine ball exercises are all included in the three training sessions. The general strength portion of this training regimen is only four weeks long, which is quite short for an elite athlete. Harvey's prior resistance training expertise is also taken into account. As a result, she will need to work out for less time to get her muscles ready and become used to the new exercises. The following are the program's training parameters and the associated session schedule: