Given the economic crisis Puerto Rico is going through, the government decided to use Information Technology to achieve greater operational efficiency. Within this context, the government extends a contract as an advisor to carry out research on automated systems in operation in other countries that achieve the objective of maximizing operational efficiency for a particular activity.
The parameters and requirements of the potential automated system to be recommended are the following:
- The system must be in operation in some country
- For the search of the proposed system, recommendations can be directed to the central government, departments, public corporations or municipalities
- The expected tangible benefits should be one or more of these:
o Job creation
o Projected savings
o Income generation
o Other quantifiable benefits
- The format of the project is as follows:
o Cover page with the identification of the teacher, the course, the team of two students and the proposed system
o Description of the automated system operating in the selected country
o Identification of the equipment and software configuration needed to implement the system in the government of Puerto Rico or any of its agencies
o Quantify the expected cost and benefit and include literature
o Include the bibliography using the A.P.A. Standards for citing bibliographic information
- Generate a PowerPoint presentation of the proposed automated system. The presentation must have at least the following content:
o Problem definition
o Research Objectives
o Proposed Solution
o Benefits
o Electronic Equipment Required
o Computer Programs Required
o Personnel Required to operate the System
o Cost
o Conclusion

Automation System for Puerto Rico Crisis

Puerto Ricco has been in crisis for around a decade now. The situation extends from labor
to finance, which is leading to a collapse in its economy. The condition worsens with time, and if
nothing is done, the country will be bankrupt. The paper proposes the Tier I Government ERPs
automated system to the country to help her economically.

The county that has implemented the Automated system

Nigeria is using the system and which is enabling its growth. The usage expands from
small businesses to big companies like chevron, Dangote. MTN, etc. In these sectors, the system
would help them generate more income due to the system's centrality, making it possible to
manage resources adequately (Perkins, 2020) . The revenue earned makes the companies open
more branches, which has aided in creating jobs as the need for more workers rises.

How the system would help Puerto Rico

Just like the case of Nigeria, the system will enable better management of resources. That
management will enable many companies in Puerto Rico and the government to earn more
revenue. As this happens, the workers will be paid better, encouraging many people to work for
the country. With the revenue earned yearly, the government can open more companies that
would employ many people. At the same time, the companies that develop and maintain the
system would be built. Therefore, jobs for developers and system maintenance would be
available in the country. The companies would save a lot for the projects as resources are
managed better and no resource is wasted.
The system will cost around $750,000. The cost might seem high; however, the ERP
system's benefits are enormous to be undermined. The system will help the country in many

ways. First, the system will help the government in financial reporting that is vital for enhancing
profits. It will also manage orders to the country and serve the customers (Perkins, 2020) . The
benefit will help the government to know the labor they need and how to manage them. The
scenario will help create jobs and improve economically. Therefore, the system will help end the
economic crisis and help the country grow from debt.