
Alex is having his first session with a counselor and is recounting his life history: I’ve just turned 20. I finished high school about two years ago, and I have been lost since then. I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when I was five, and it has been a struggle since then. My mother stayed home to take care of me full time. Through her effort, I thrived. I was in the gifted program from the first grade to high school. I started taking ADHD medications when I was 11. I quit taking them after I graduated high school. I suffered from severe depression to the point that I attempted to hurt myself three times. The only reason I’m still living is because of my mom. She loved me unconditionally, no matter what. I′ve had jobs here and there, but I always ended up getting fired. I now live independently, sort of, with my friends. Most of the time, my mom pays for the rent. I have a girlfriend who I get along with, and I think we are pretty solid. I am applying for jobs, but I hate being with people. I hate being in school; I think it is a colossal waste of money. My sister is a nurse. She is my mom’s star kid- accomplished and successful. My only accomplishment is my car- I love working with my car, although it′s older than me and it cost a lot of money to fix. I love driving it because I feel free when I am driving. I love playing video games, too. It′s a community that never leaves you, and I feel a great sense of belongingness with them. I can be myself when I am playing with my friends. It’s an escape for me -an emotional vacation. However, I am turning 21 soon. The pressure is getting to be too high for me to be financially independent. I don′t know what to do, where to start, or even how to start. That′s the reason why I am here. In 4-5 paragraphs, answer the following questions. Use at least two sources and cite them using APA format: Why might Alex be finding it particularly difficult to find a job? Alex regards himself as a lost person. What are the factors that you believe have contributed to him feeling this way? Please write about the following: What parts of Alex’s story reminds you of your own experience in your adolescence or emerging adulthood years? How do general theories of human growth and development relate to a young person like Alex? What effect might Alex’s ADHD have on his development? What concepts of human growth and development are relevant to him?


Why might Alex be finding it particularly difficult to find a job?

Alex might find it difficult to find a job since he has an ADHD condition that primarily limits him from participating in multiple activities. For instance, Alex has indicated that he finds it difficult to be around lots of individuals, thus making it difficult for him to work, as most workplaces are filled with people.

Alex regards himself as a lost person. What factors do you believe have contributed to his feeling this way?

Some factors that have made Alex feel lost primarily include the inability to socialize with individuals, thus making him feel lonely (Lerner, 2018). Again, the inability to concentrate on his education has made Alex feel like a lost person as he cannot secure any meaningful employment with his high school diploma.

What parts of Alex's story remind you of your own experience in your adolescence or emerging adulthood years?

One of Alex's experiences that I do find similar to one of my own is the moment when he tried hurting himself three times. During my high school days, I attempted to murder by jumping from a Storey building in protest of my parent's decision to reduce my allowances.

How do general human growth and development theories relate to a young person like Alex?

One of the general premises of human growth and development related to the life of Alex is Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which primarily indicates that all the eight stages of development of the child are vital, such that if they miss one, they might be affected in the future (Lerner, 2018). The theory has greatly manifested in Alex, as he lacks some communication skills that he ought to have learned while young.

What effect might Alex’s ADHD have on his development?

Alex's ADHD might prove difficult for his development since it makes it difficult for him to pay attention and concentrate on his studies. The condition also makes it impossible for Alex to socialize well with classmates, thus making it difficult for him to communicate properly as an adult (Gharebaghy et al., 2015).

What Concepts of human growth and development are relevant to him?

Some concepts of human growth and development relevant to Alex include long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a good living standard.