
i’m doing option 1: the tedtalk This is the link to the video that i’m doing in the art section


Why is art important to democracy?

According to Oskar Eustis in his Ted Talk, he indicates that theater is a vital accomplice in democracy. Eustis notes that the two are compatible as they were born in the same city, thus having a lot in common. Eustis continues to indicate that art and democracy, both born in Athens, greatly complimented each other, thus enabling each to grow. In the Talk, Eustis narrates that in the 6th BC, individuals gathered in Athens for festivals, where some would 'agree' with the participants or disagree (TED, 2018). Concisely, Eustis notes that democracy was in practice in this era, as individuals had the freedom to openly agree or disagree with any topic. Similarly, Eustis indicates that the ability of individuals to have two or more conflicting points of view eventually leads to the truth, which is the backbone of democracy. As per Eustis, empathy is one of the vital tools for both art and democracy.

 From the talk, it is clear that having empathy as a leader would enable democracy to thrive, as it primarily drives an emotional muscle that is an essential tool for democracy. Similarly, Eustis points out that art primarily creates a sense of belonging, an essential element of democracy (TED, 2018). For instance, Eustis cites an incident where Vice President-elect Pence visited "Hamilton" in New York, where the New Yorkers booed him. However, Eustis indicates that Pence responded calmly and said, "That's what freedom sounds like." In a nutshell, Eustis indicates that art brought freedom of speech, which is democracy.

The Ted Talk by Eustis primarily relates to the course content as they both address the rights and obligations of individuals in a society. The talk mainly addresses the importance of art to democracy, while the course content majorly points to what citizens are required to do, thus enabling prosperity in a society.