This assignment provides you with an opportunity to create a code of ethics for you and your family, as well as to explain the strategies and thought processes that went into developing the code. First, create an original code of ethics for your family by thinking about your family as an organization. In your code of ethics, please include the following items: guiding principles, purpose of the code, core values, training and education (How will you train and educate others about the code?), definitions, who it covers, mission statement, and other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive code of ethics. The next part of this assignment involves an evaluation, where you describe the thought process behind the code of ethics that you prepared. For the evaluation part of this assignment, draft an essay to include the following items: Identify the key roles of those who have a vested interest in the ethical behavior that your code defines. Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code. Explain how you would strategically implement and communicate the code to others in the organization. Explain how you will monitor the practice of ethical decision-making. Provided that laws exist and have been enacted for resolving conflict, why do we also need a code of ethics? In the process of writing your code, you must research the topic of codes of ethics and incorporate at least two articles, no older than five years. Your code and evaluation must be at least 1,000 words. Format the code as you like; however, be sure it is professional and legible. Format the evaluation part of the assignment by using APA Style. Save both parts in one Word document


Code of Ethics

Every single household generally runs by or on the basis of basic values, whether
explicitly expressed or tacitly recognized. Families that are prosperous, peaceful, and well-
respected in society can demonstrate the enormous universality of the concepts. Love, giving and
receiving, ideas, words, and wants, the current reality, future potential, and the broader purpose
are among the essential concepts. Love is important to families, and it truly is the universe within
a family. All of the family's coordinated acts are motivated by love. The essay aim at discussing
the code of ethics created in a family for dealing with the children.
Raising kids in a family and society is a difficult endeavor since there are numerous
moral and ethical quandaries to consider while making decisions. Also, keep in mind the changes
in the knowledge base of early childhood care that have happened over the previous decade. As a
result, the driving premise for the members' code formulation is accountability for discovering,
developing, and fully using knowledge and abilities for competent child care practices.
According to Davies and Heyward (2019), the Family Ethical Child Code provides rules for
responsible behavior and establishes a common framework for addressing the major ethical
quandaries encountered in early child care and education. It also strives to fulfill the
psychological, spiritual, social, cultural, and biological requirements of young siblings and their
families to the greatest extent feasible.
Values Fundamentals According to Vitolla et al. (2021), the concept that kids learn inside
their community and family groups, bringing valuable information, a range of experiences, and
identities to their learning, is inherent in this Code. Socio-cultural theories have shifted the
emphasis away from individual children's development and toward the relevance of social
circumstances in children's learning and development. Early childhood care in families and

society should be spaces and places where techniques like responsive listening and discussion
may foster connections and relationships that maintain and enhance individual and communal
well-being. The primary ideals of this code of ethics are around providing and maintaining safe
and healthy environments that support children's social, psychological, cognitive, and physical
growth while also respecting their dignity and contributions.
Love is greater than simply a sensation or an emotion that a human might experience; it is
an active force that is regarded unconditionally that is given by one person to the other and then
has an effect on the recipient (Vitolla et al., 2021). Thus, in general, love is both an action and a
concept of unqualified kindness, as well as the physical energy that must constantly be provided.
Another fundamental concept is the giving and receiving, which constantly keeps the flow of
love and good in the family running freely. Giving is an ethic and a discipline that must be
fostered and practiced.
Giving should always be done gladly, freely, and unreservedly, rather than unwillingly,
that is, with conditions attached or for selfish reasons. Giving is always deemed ideal when it is
done with any expectations, such as receiving or earning something as a result of donation, and
this applies whether the giving is done secretly or secretly from a position of altruistic love
(Courtney & Siu, 2018). The capacity to receive is always as important, and should constantly be
done with a heart of love and appreciation. Another broad principle is the general purpose, which
is the pattern of the connection that always ties parents and children, as well as families and
When a person in a family lives solely for himself or herself, the family suffers.
Communities suffer when families do not care for family or families, as well as the community.
According to Courtney and Siu (2018), living for the bigger purpose is the natural conduit for

success and joy for people in the family as well as the family in society. In contrast, the major
underlying cause of various incidents or family strife is usually selfishness, which is constantly
driven to be served rather than serve others. Another basic premise is that ideas, words, and acts
always have implications for both the doer and the receiver, and so must always be carefully
Any activity must always be ethical and inclusive, taking into account the effects for a
family or households as a whole (Vitolla et al., 2021). Families typically suffer when members of
the family choose to seek or conduct acts for the sake of momentary pleasure or addiction rather
than applying discipline for long-term health and happiness. Another fundamental principle is
the current reality, future potential, which demonstrates that while parents interact with their
children, couples interact with spouses, and siblings interact with one other, a person should
constantly remember or bear in mind that each individual is a continuing process.
It is critical to recognize others, including oneself, not only at that time, but also in
relation to individual potential (Vitolla et al., 2021). When it is observed, I will ultimately be
able to make the family or households safe as well as a supporting unit for all members of the
family. Parental love is without a doubt the most selfless emotion in the family, because every
caregiver is always prepared to compromise for their kids at any time. It is always the
responsibility of parents to provide a safe and nurturing ecosystem for their kids love. As a result
of proper growth for the children, they can learn to love others.
Parents must also give their children with material well-being, which includes sufficient
diet and housing. The parents are also responsible for protecting their children from harm, which
includes both physical and emotional abuse. They are also responsible for providing a stable
atmosphere for their kids (Ibiricu & van der Made, 2020). That is, an atmosphere of love,

understanding, and happiness for the children's healthy growth as well as their own present and
future relationships. Parents are also responsible for educating their children on essential life
issues that are both heart and norm, which should include moral education as well as etiquette.
Parents are also meant to educate the children, and the punishment is intended to be
conducted out of love, which means no rage or loss of temper. Punishment should also be
administered while respecting the children's dignity (Courtney & Siu, 2018). Parents must also
provide a good example for their children and prepare them for marriages that are suitable for a
life mate. Children's duties include developing character, establishing physical health through
exercise, eating a healthy diet, and practicing excellent cleanliness. They are also responsible for
developing their spiritual development by choosing good relationships, setting a good example,
and avoiding self-destructive activities.
In conclusion, families should recognize that they are the first-hand individuals to
inculcate child caretaker and obligation to uphold the code of behavior that revolves around the
kid's growth. Children must also improve their talents in order to make a significant contribution
to other people and the planet. They must also love and respect their parents, acknowledge their
efforts, practice humility in front of their parents, and care for their parents in their old age.
Siblings should exist for each other, forgive and reconcile, develop a culture of belonging and
togetherness, set a positive example, and learn to care for one another. For the household and
society, the household should constantly look out for its neighbors and serve its neighborhood,
nation, and society, hence giving bigger values for the organizations. Every person in the world
should be treated like a sister or a brother by the family.