[caption id="attachment_813" align="alignnone" width="600"]Comparing the Characteristics of Bill Gates with Those of His Vivid Admirers Bill Gates[/caption]


Write an essay about comparing the characteristics and values of an influential public figure with those of a particular group of his or her most vivid admirers

Bill Gates...


Comparing the Characteristics of Bill Gates with Those of His Vivid Admirers

Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft corporation, is a well-established businessman and a software developer who believes in Philanthropy. Gates managed to beat all the odds from a University dropout to accumulate billions of dollars and become one of the richest individuals on the planet. Bill Gates dropped out of University while he was at Harvard University to cofound Microsoft, the largest computer and software corporation in the world today. Bill Gates inspired many people and was ranked as the most admired person on the planet for his consistency, (Bill Gates)making him the richest person on earth from 1995 to 2006. Gates is an inspiration to many on the planet, with school dropouts, for whatever reasons being a group of people that greatly appreciates and admires Bill Gates for his brilliance and success.

The business-oriented characteristics and values of Bill Gates are the basis of his success, and he is always ahead of his competitors.(Bill Gates) Gates is a master strategist who can identify and take advantage of the various opportunities that come his way. Having the picture of something and the ability to make the right moves at the right time are Bill Gates's attributes that made him the richest person on the globe despite being a University dropout. For instance, made the right move to drop out of University when he identified a potential to start the Microsoft corporation. Gats, right from his childhood, had been into computers, a thing that saw him make his first program at the age of 13 years, a thing that he perfected on campus.

His decision to drop school to focus on his dream portrays the value of risk-taking as he left school to try Luck through Microsoft(Bill Gates). He educates businesspeople that risk-taking in business is a must, strategic reasoning can bring on fruits, and there are no gains without risks.

Focus on unhappy customers is the other characteristic admired in Bill Gates, which has made him the richest man on the planet for a long. It is business oriented to ensure that one’s customers are always satisfied with the goods and services received by identifying possible drawbacks in the delivered services and ensuring they are covered up. Gates has had a long journey since the founding of Microsoft corporation, overcoming many challenges like cyber attacks to develop secure programs that are heavily used in computer systems. The world of technology has been making fast development with advanced technologies being identified, a thing that has seen a rise in competition and the need to be ahead of competitors to ensure continued relevancy in the industry, a thing that Gates has ensured through his Microsoft corporation.

The admirers of Bill Gates tend to benefit from the various entrepreneurial skills that Gates portrays throughout his business world. Combining hard-working work, risk-taking, and being visionary are the major qualities that upcoming investors learn from him. Gates inspires the many school dropouts and people who have undergone whatever sorts of failures in any aspect of their life that they can still maneuver through life (Yoffie & Cusumano, 2021). He encourages individuals that if they spot an opportunity in any of their engagements, they can forsake some life normalities to focus on something they believe can bear fruits.

Having identified the potential in Microsoft, Gates was assured that the venture would eventually bear fruits, a dream that saw him drop from school to chase the dream. In life, there come opportunities. People talented differently, for instance, in sports and music, may choose to pay much attention to their talents, which may come with success. Having the right priorities is the basic example that Gates portrays to people who aspire to succeed. If Gates had, for instance, hesitated from dropping school and focusing on his Google corporation, he would have probably missed the big opportunity (Yoffie & Cusumano, 2021). He is an inspiration in the manner that hard work and risk-taking with the right priorities can work miracles because despite not having completed his degree in the University,(Bill Gates) he bit all the odds to become a billionaire.

In conclusion, Bill Gates has served as a great role model to many business-oriented persons, a characteristic that has made him the most admired person globally. According to the Forbes report, from being a school dropout to becoming the richest person on the globe between 1995 and 2006. His admirers like the risky nature of Bill Gates and the manner he has continually learned from his mistakes to ensure he comes up with his best version. Having cofounded Microsoft, Bill Gates has endured and learnt from the many challenges the corporation faced, such as cyber crimes(Bill Gates). Working on them to ensure a better and safer corporation becomes one of the safest operating platforms.