conservation of species

We offer Best Essay Writing Services on conservation of species.


- Type your submission, double-spaced, in a Times New Roman font, size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. - Use proper APA formatting. Include in-text citations and a reference page in APA style. (conservation of species) On this page, list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also, include a cover page and in-text citations. - Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic. - Describe the basic argument of opposing viewpoints. - Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both views. - Choose which view you agree with (only in the conclusion). - Explain why you agree with that view.

conservation of species

Conservation of Species

Zoos and wildlife parks have been at the center of controversy over species protection for quite some time. Some people believe zoos and wildlife parks are essential for endangered species’ survival and scientific knowledge growth. (conservation of species)

People who think these parks are immoral and violate animals’ rights argue the opposite. There are good arguments on both sides of the issue, and it’s best to research before deciding. Therefore, it is significant to view both arguments to understand the topic clearly. (conservation of species) 

Important work is being done all around the globe to preserve animals in zoos and other types of wildlife parks. (conservation of species) Many animal species are in danger of extinction because of human population growth and the loss of their natural habitats. Zoos and wildlife parks provide a way to help conserve endangered species and give them a fighting shot for the future (Palmer et al., 2021).

The public may learn about and appreciate conservation efforts at these parks. Furthermore, they may aid in public outreach for species preservation and the adverse effects of human activity on wildlife. They may also be utilized for study, shedding light on the biology and psychology of animals. (conservation of species)  Zoos and wildlife parks can only serve their communities and the animals they house if they are run in an ethical and considerate manner.

People who support zoos and wildlife parks say these facilities are crucial for preserving endangered species. (conservation of species) Many animals that have become critically endangered in the wild owing to human activities like climate change, deforestation, and poaching may be found in zoos and wildlife parks.

These preserves also provide a secure location for creating captive populations and continuing endangered species breeding programs. Regarding endangered animals, zoos and wildlife parks are sometimes the final hope for survival.

In addition to serving as a valuable educational resource, zoos and wildlife parks provide a conducive environment for conducting critical scientific studies. (conservation of species) According to Palmer et al. (2021), scientists may learn a lot about how animals behave by observing them in captivity, and that knowledge can then be used to better protect them in the wild. For example, they provide chances for public education, which helps spread awareness and motivates people to take action to save endangered species.

Others claim zoos and wildlife parks are immoral and violate animals’ rights. Many people who advocate for animals’ rights think keeping them in captivity is wrong and, instead, believe they should be free to roam the wild (Emmerman, 2019). (conservation of species) There are also concerns that the animals are maintained in substandard circumstances and that the attractions’ primary goal is to make money rather than to promote conservation.

To reach a decision, weighing each perspective’s merits is essential. Those who argue that zoos and wildlife parks are crucial to preserving endangered species and developing scientific knowledge are accurate. (conservation of species)  However, those who argue that zoos and wildlife parks are immoral and violate animals’ rights have a point.

Zoos and wildlife parks, in my opinion, are essential for the protection of endangered species and the development of scientific knowledge. (conservation of species) While I can see where animal rights advocates come from, I still think these businesses provide more good than harm.

The teaching possibilities offered by zoos and wildlife parks are vital in increasing awareness and encouraging people to take action to conserve endangered animals. Additionally, these facilities are useful for scientific study since they allow for the observation of captive animals. So, although I recognize the moral questions raised by zoos and wildlife parks, they serve an essential purpose. (conservation of species) 

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