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Sources: 3
Analyze the plausibility—if there can be any—of the contention that there might have been a certain justification for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States. In your essay, compose an argument for or against an alleged pattern of American wrongdoing that could possibly merit such an attack. Whatever your position, support it with one theoretical assumption or hypothesis from the readings to date. Your answer should not exceed 400 words (about two double-spaced, typed pages).

The September 11th Terrorist Attack on the United States is Unjustifiable

It is impossible to justify the September 11th terrorist attack on the United States. The attack resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and caused significant destruction and damage, becoming one of the deadliest attacks on the United States (Jones et al., 2020). It was a horrific act of violence that cannot be excused or justified under any circumstances.

Some hypotheses have been used to justify the attack, including the idea that the United States was engaging in wrongdoing that warranted such a response (Welch, 2019). However, these arguments are not supported by evidence and are fundamentally flawed. The attack was a clear violation of international law and human rights principles and cannot be justified under any circumstances.

One theoretical assumption that can be used to argue against the idea of justification for the September 11th attack is the concept of moral relativism. This theory holds that there is no universal standard of right and wrong and that moral values and beliefs are culturally and historically relative (Broćić & Miles, 2021). According to this view, it is impossible to justify the September 11th attack based on a belief in a particular set of moral values, as all cultures or societies may not share those values.

The idea that the attack could be justified as a response to alleged American wrongdoing is also unfounded. While it is true that the United States has made mistakes and engaged in controversial actions in the past, the attack was not a proportional or appropriate response to any specific wrongdoing. It was a senseless act of violence that targeted innocent people and cannot be justified on any grounds.

In conclusion, the September 11th terrorist attack on the United States was a heinous and inexcusable act of violence that cannot be justified under any circumstances. The idea that the attack was somehow justified by alleged wrongdoing on the part of the United States is not supported by evidence and is fundamentally flawed.


Broćić, M., & Miles, A. (2021). College and the “culture war”: assessing higher education’s influence on moral attitudes. American sociological review86(5), 856-895.

Jones, S. G., Doxsee, C., & Harrington, N. (2020). The escalating terrorism problem in the United States.[db:DOI]

Welch, K. (2019). Race, ethnicity, and the War on Terror. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.