Now that you have had an opportunity to study both The New Deal and LBJ′s The Great Society, compare and contrast them. What were the differences of each program at their core? What goals did both seek to achieve, and which one would you say most impacts us today in the 21st Century? The guidelines for this assignment are: Your response must be three well-developed paragraphs of a minimum of five sentences each. Your complete word count on this assignment must be at least 250 words. You must use at least three credible sources. One of these is the Gilded Age Nativism Resource on our course page. The other two are credible news sources. You must cite all direct quotes and paraphrased material with proper APA in-text citations in the paragraphs. At the bottom of your submission (right below the paragraphs), you must include an APA-style bibliography of all the sources you used. Your submission should be free of grammar, content, and style errors


Critical Thinking

The New Deal and The Great Society were both programs that were created in order to
help improve the lives of Americans. The New Deal was created in response to the Great
Depression, and it aimed to help Americans get back on their feet financially. The Great Society
was created in response to the civil rights movement, and it aimed to help Americans achieve
social and economic equality (Toms, 2017). Both programs had different goals, but they both
had a significant impact on American society.
The New Deal was a series of programs and initiatives that were designed to help
Americans get back on their feet financially. The programs included things like the Social
Security Act, which provided financial assistance to retired and disabled Americans, and the
Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs for millions of Americans. The New Deal
also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which protected Americans' bank
deposits, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulated the stock market
(Kesler et al., 2020). The New Deal helped to ease the financial burden on Americans and to
restore confidence in the economy.
The Great Society was a series of programs and initiatives that were designed to help
Americans achieve social and economic equality. The programs included things like the Civil
Rights Act, which outlawed discrimination based on race, and the Voting Rights Act, which
guaranteed African Americans the right to vote. The Great Society also created Medicare and
Medicaid, which provided health insurance to millions of Americans, and the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act, which provided funding for public schools (Morris, 2017). The Great
Society helped to improve the lives of Americans and to make America a more equal society.Both the New Deal and the Great Society had a significant impact on American society.
The New Deal helped to ease the financial burden on Americans and to restore confidence in the
economy. The Great Society helped to improve the lives of Americans and to make America a
more equal society. Both programs had their strengths and weaknesses, but they both helped to
improve the lives of Americans.