
It is a two different task, doesn′t have to be formatting. First, Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words(One sentence): Interpret the relationship between secure attachment in infancy and later development. Is there current research to support your interpretation? (please cite one research/article,APA style) And, next, Imagine you are assisting a counselor at a community center by running a support group for soon-to-be mothers. Several ladies in the group have disclosed a love for drinking alcohol and utilizing substances. As an expert in the field of childhood development, help the group understand the potential delays or adverse impact teratogens may have on the healthy development of their children’s physical and neurological health. - handout for each member of the support group/complete each of the following seperatly: 1.Describe how the brain develops in the first year of life. 2.Discuss how positive experiences—such as physical comfort, play, and attentiveness—assist in healthy development. 3.Explain the risk factors related to drinking alcohol and using substances while pregnant. 4.Provides resources with preventive measures. Cite at least 2 resources using APA format for the second one(total of 3 references include first and second task)



The relationship between secure attachment in infancy and later development

An infant would depend on secure attachment to have a proper development later in life. The infant will transition into childhood as a securely attached person, and they will always have numerous positive outcomes to show off. Research shows that a secure attachment is directly related to lesser behavioral challenges, improved social skills, and better IQ scores. Furthermore, this attachment would determine the kind of an adult that one would become. A secure one would lead to a general life satisfaction, improved relationships, and higher self-esteem as some of the positive adulthood outcomes. In his research, Engel & Gunnar (2020) revealed that any child bred in a war-torn area would easily develop post-traumatic stress disorder without the intervention of their parents. However, if the child’s fear is subjected to sensitive containment, they would grow healthily. Researchers continue to suggest that a parent can sufficiently caution stressful events throughout the middle childhood. Young girls between the ages of 13 years were engaged in research employing the Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C) (Doom et al., 2017). They were examined based on a few post-stress recovery settings: staying away from mother, talking to her over the cellphone, or accessing her fulltime. The physical presence of a mother cultivated a girl’s faster return to baseline cortisol. The girl who neither saw or talked to the mother exhibited the slowest recovery.

The brain’s development in the first year of life

Within the first year of a person’s living, the brain’s development is relatively quick, with the growth being more complex. Their brain doubles in size throughout this time. The cerebellum, a region of the brain in charge of motor abilities and physical growth, is where most of the development takes place. Babies gain control over their body and movements as a result of this development.

The role of positive experiences in the first year of life

Attentiveness, play, and physical comfort are some positive experiences in a child's healthy development. The brain utilizes them to learn and forge connections. Baglivio & Wolff (2021) recently concluded that PCEs are adequate buffers to the devastating consequences of unfavorable experiences. There would be no joy in childhood without them. They provide a perfect atmosphere for undiluted happiness, exploration, change, and growth.

As young mothers, I know you have been spending a substantial amount of time with your young ones. I want you to know that your child's happiness is squarely dependent on you as an adult. In children's lives, numerous identifiable situations prepare them for accomplishments later in life. A child should be in a position whereby they can freely talk to an adult in case of a stressful situation. As an adult, you need to offer them unconditional love and support and make them feel safe at home. The thriving of a child depends on their parental involvement in offering security, entertainment, and age-relevant games with a clear structure. Nevertheless, the parenting style can be authoritative with loads of acceptance and love. In such an environment, a kid would flourish, learn the required skills to live happier lives, and productively contribute to society.

The risk factors related to drinking alcohol and using substances while pregnant

Teratogens may expose children to numerous adverse impacts and potential delays, thereby keeping their neurological and physical health at risk. Your fetus' development may be prone to numerous physical deformities if you choose to become an alcoholic mother.

Secondly, drug consumption during pregnancy may impair brain and nervous system development, leading to behavioral and learning issues. Still, using drugs or alcohol while pregnant increases the chances of premature birth, stillbirth, and miscarriage. The above possible issues highlight how crucial it is to abstain from substance abuse and alcoholism throughout pregnancy. Guerri & Pascual's (2022) research used animal models to demonstrate that alcohol is a teratogen. Furthermore, alcohol variability and impact on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) outcomes rely on nutritional status, genetic factors, timing and exposure patterns, and alcohol dose. Alcohol affects several developmental processes and cell types during brain development through various targets, where the effects are mediated by a wide range of signaling cascades and mechanisms.

Is there a safe alcohol consumption level?

Any alcoholic beverage quantity can hurt your baby's development, while severe alcohol usage increases the danger. A growing infant might suffer greatly from heavy drinking (numerous drinks on at least one occasion) during pregnancy.

When pregnant, you need to adhere to the appropriate medical advice, avoiding drinking to prevent FASD. Prevent congenital disabilities by avoiding teratogens exposure. Besides avoiding substance abuse, take a daily multivitamin, get enough rest, exercise regularly, and eat healthy meals.