Initial thread must be 150+ words Post Topic: All of us have different workplace personalities. Some of us lead with our brains and emphasize logic and reason. Others lead with our hearts, always emphasizing mercy over justice in our relationships with others. Which do you lead with?


Contributing to a Positive Work Atmosphere

I tend to apply logic and reasoning rather than emotions while executing functions at
my workplace. Applying logic and reasoning in the workplace is important because every
decision made is supported by facts and evidence and usually follows procedures. Further,
many employers place more value on logical thinkers than people who base their decisions on
emotions. Logical thinking allows me to synthesize information, observe and analyze
phenomena, and then apply knowledge to draw informed conclusions when dealing with a
specific situation. Reasoning and logic make it easier to structure effective communication
and share ideas with staff or team members. Applying logic allows me to brainstorm and
develop a reasonable strategy for achieving the desired outcome or objective.
Additionally, applying logic at the workplace makes it easier to process facts and
implement an effective strategy. For instance, when creating marketing campaigns for a new
product, it’s important to conduct market research and get the customers’ reactions and
feedback. Using the customer’s feedback, the marketing team can make suitable decisions
and strategies to reach the target market and offer a product that meets their needs. Secondly,
logic and reasoning are crucial in developing a recruiting profile for new employees or team
members. A team leader cannot recruit people to undertake a specific assignment based on
emotions and empathy. Every assignment requires prospective candidates to have certain
qualifications and qualities to help them discharge their duty effectively, and logical thinking
is one of them.
However, I always try to show empathy when relating with my colleagues. I believe
that logic and reason persuade one to do a certain task, but emotion is also important because
it fuels the efforts to achieve set goals. Therefore, when dealing with other people, I always
maintain a balance between my logical mind and emotional heart. It is easier to achieve the
perfect ability to persuade and influence others to agree with my point of view through logic