
The deadlines are: November 17th, 24th, December 1st, and 8th by 11:59 Benefits and Roadblocks Collaboration has multiple benefits for students with disabilities and their families. Occasionally, roadblocks develop. Use the questions to develop an original response, and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. • What do you see as the most beneficial characteristic of collaboration? • What are roadblocks you perceive to collaboration? • Provide an example of a benefit and a roadblock from your personal experience. Discussion 2 due 11/24 by 11:59 pm Family Challenges Families of children with disabilities face numerous challenges. Collaborative relationships help them resolve the challenges. Use the questions to develop an original response, and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. • What should school personnel know when fostering collaborative relationships with families of students with disabilities? • What are three possible strategies to build collaborative relationships with families of students with disabilities? Elaborate on each strategy. Discussion 3 due 12/01 by 11:59 pm Trust Within Teams Building collaborative relationships within the school is important in addressing student needs. Read the article, Teamwork: Key to Success for Teachers and Para-educators, by Kent Gerlach. Links to an external site. Use the questions to develop an original response, and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. • What are ways to build positive relationships among educational professionals for the purpose of addressing student needs? • According to Gerlach, how can trust be built in teams and applied to meet the needs of students? • What benefits can be experienced when positive relationships exist? Discussion 4 due 12/08 by 11:59 pm Pre-Referral Process and RTI Pre-referral and Response to Intervention (RTI) are important concepts. Use the questions to develop an original response, and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. • Why is it important to begin the initial team meeting with a discussion of the strengths of the student? • Why is it important to involve the parent in the pre-referral process? • What are some ways you have involved parents in the pre-referral process? If you haven’t had the opportunity to work with families during pre-referral, what are different ways you could involve parents in the pre-referral process? Discussion 5 due by 12/15 by 11:59 pm Resource Identification Identification of resources for students with disabilities is essential. Think about the different types of resources available for a student with disabilities in your area. With one of those resource in mind, please respond to the following: • Describe the resource. • Who or what community group is offering this resource? • Is it centrally located and/or easily accessible to the individuals with disabilities it hopes to serve? • Are there age limits for assistance? • Are there costs to the families associated with the resource? • What are the benefits of accessing the resource? • What are the requirements for accessing the benefits?


Case Study – Pre-Referral and RTI


The six steps of the pre-referral and Response to Intervention (RTI) procedure expound more on the addressing of the special needy student’s performance in diverse academic areas. It is also important to influence assessing the student with a disability in learning in terms of behavior and relationships. The pre-referral and Response to Intervention (RTI) process determines the outlines that a school may apply distinct processes for the team to follow. Based on the case study the pre-referral and Response to Intervention (RTI) would have helped the student by ensuring the assessment of the student’s progress in the learning process. There are stages that are involved in driving the professionals on attaining the potential needy goals for the students with disability. In that case, the gathering of information through RTI helps the teachers and families to understand the potential requirements for student improvement. Information sharing and teamwork discussion influence good decision-making toward making the achievement of learning goals for children with learning disabilities. Discussion is possible concepts that help implementation and monitoring of strategies that can assist in evaluating the decision attained at certain levels of the process of learning. There are six steps involved in the pre-referral and RTI are set according to the questions posed.

Pre-Referral and RTI Potential Question

  1. What are the initial concerns for the student’s needs?
  2. What is the information from the stakeholders that can help the student to attain educational needs?
  3. What are the best ideas that can help in developing the potential strategies for the student with a disability based on the information gathered?
  4. What are the reviews that the team may provide as helpful for the development of strategies?
  5. What are the strategic implementation and monitoring processes that can be helpful toward the achievement of the student’s needs?
  6. Are decisions made for the pre-referral process and RTI viable and effective?

The Six Stages of Pre-Referral and RTI

Stage 1: Initial Concern Regarding a Student's Progress.

The first phase in the pre-referral process is the primary concern which starts with the team involved in caring for the autistic child. In the case study, the student’s needs required the evaluation of the team’s initial concern of helping him. According to the first step of the pre-referral process and RTI, parents, teachers, and school staff should show or expose their initial concern for the student’s learning or caring needs. The stage involves having a concern about the academic needs or behavioral performance of the student (Johnson & Smith, 2008). This concern may be expounded either in two ways that include formally or informally.

However, some schools may initiate the pre-referral process and ensure consistent management regardless of the initial communication concerning the child. Therefore, it is a concern whereby everyone should have previous engagement before planning professionally to support the student. Because of the needs of the counselor for the student, the primary caregiver should be having initial concerns on the table.  It seems to be a requirement on focusing on the troubles that the student had in the initial concerns. The child’s initial concern was communication and social development (Kovaleski & Glew, 2006). The pre-referral team meeting would be concerned with a formal expression that the school could form to refer a student to the team that exposed the communication or the social behavior problem.

Stage 2: Information Gathering

            The next step after initial needs in the pre-referred process is an information-gathering phase. Different personnel can use various ways to accomplish this stage in various stages of student development. According to the case study, the referring teacher should collect and give information concerning the student to help the team in the decision-making process. In this stage, stakeholders such as counselors and psychologists should provide essential information about the student to ensure the parents and other core teams of professionals understand the needs of the students (National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006). The parents should provide the information concerning the student to ensure that the team can make the appropriate coloration concerning the learning process that can ensure the attaining of the needs. The school pre-referral team should also assist in gathering information concerning the initial concerns of the stakeholders. The school counselor or any other member should provide good information about the potential assisting aspects of correcting the student’s behavior socially and academically (Kovaleski & Glew, 2006). Therefore, all professionals should present information to the groups of professionals to share the essential requirements that may lead to well-being.

Informal assessment is done at this stage based on the pre-referral requirements or settings. The instructional methods, materials, and strategies are necessary for understanding the previous concern student skill needs. The student’s background skills and knowledge provide data on the student’s experiences. This stage develops expectations based on the information gathered to offer behavior and academic performances. Notably, this stage defines the necessities required for the development of the child’s behavior by offering first mandatory resources based on the information gathered concerning the student. In that case, the classroom had diverse behavior management concepts (National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006). In this sense, the information gathering can help the pre-referral team to understand the nature, severity, or extent to which the student undergoes difficulties.

Stage 3: Information Sharing and Team Discussion

            The third stage of the pre-referral process includes the sharing of the gathered information among the members to ensure that they can run the meetings efficiently toward helping the student. This step intends to evaluate the information based on its relevance through discussion and reviews to determine how intensively the child needs help in specific areas. The intensity and type of the problems that the information reveals help the team of professionals to understand the composition of the requirements that should be set for student education (National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006). Therefore, reviewing and discussing the information collected helps in designing and addressing the student’s needs.

Stage 4: Discussion of Possible Strategies

            Step four of the pre-referral involves finding the solutions or strategies applicable to resolving the potential problems. The meeting reviews the information gathered and brainstorms the potential strategies that can help to attain the student’s needs. The possible strategies are laid down accordingly to achieve the potential concern against the student’s difficulties. The shared information leads to the generation of ideas concerning the implementation of regulations, policies, and concepts that can help the student to attain the potential goals (National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006). Therefore, this stage leads to implementation and the monitoring of strategies stage.

Stage 5: Implementation and Monitoring of Strategies

            The implementation stage involves also monitoring the strategies that discuss and review the information laid. The monitoring of strategies involves planning and maintaining the programs that enforce the team of the strategies to operate under these strategies. In the same manner, the strategies are set for monitoring the potential progress of the student under a certain capacity of learning. It also helps the team to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. The strategies should be considered as fast, easy, and effective in implanting and monitoring the learning progress of the student. The monitoring and implementation should be set according to the curriculum model and disability of the student (Johnson & Smith, 2008). A team of professionals can be provided with a checklist for monitoring purposes of the student’s progress.

Stage 6: Evaluation and Decision Making

            During the final stage of the pre-referral process, the decision-making and evaluation are assessed to determine if the student is making progress. It involves the idea of determining whether the data collected was relevant. It presents the need for new changes that influence the modification of the strategies asserted by the team (Johnson & Smith, 2008). Several evaluations are made based on the progress and the continuous intervention for perfect decisions.


Conclusively, the case study, pre-referral, and RTI show that the student requires all the steps to be considered for the students to ensure he attains the needs based on the data collected. All the stakeholders including the school and family teams should provide the data that can help the team of professionals to develop effective strategies that can achieve student needs. In this case study, the team of professionals should understand the ideas based on the data collected and reviews or discussions to ensure decisions made are effective. The pre-referral and RTI are important factors that continue to address the learning needs of students with special needs.

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