Сustomer's subject: Creative writing
Topic: Experiential Learning
Type of work: Essay
Number of pages: 2 pages 
Formatting style: APA
Sources: 1
Read link attached and answer following questions attached. Rubic needed is also attached and a guide for portfolio.

Experiential Learning

The author's concept is "The Land Ethic", developed by Aldo Leopold. It explains the moral relationship between humans and the natural environment. It suggests that humans should view the natural world not just as a resource for their use but as a community to which they belong and have a responsibility to care for. Leopold argues that an ethical relationship with the land is essential for the survival of both humans and the natural world. The Land Ethic encourages individuals to take a holistic view of the natural world and recognize all living things' interconnectedness. It promotes the idea that humans should act as land stewards, taking responsibility for its preservation and restoration.

The Within The Classroom (WTC) Experience(s) was that the author learned about "The Land Ethic" in their Environmental Ethics class and had discussions and debates about it in style. It helped them understand the moral relationship between humans and the natural environment and how it should be considered a community to which we all belong. It is an influential book that elaborates on Land Ethics, its importance, and how it can be implemented in our daily lives. The author's class discussions and analysis of the book helped them understand the concept more comprehensively and how it is relevant to our relationship with the environment.

The Beyond The Classroom (BTC) Experience(s) for the author was that they applied the principles of "The Land Ethic" during a hiking and camping trip. They reflected on how their actions affected the natural environment and how they could be more mindful of their impact. They were explicitly careful about not leaving any traces and respecting the natural environment. Through these experiences, the author gained a deeper understanding of preserving and protecting the natural environment. These experiences helped to solidify the author's commitment to environmental conservation and reinforced the principles of "The Land Ethic" in their mind.

The artefacts utilized in this entry are a reflection paper on "The Land Ethic" and photos from the author's hiking and camping trip. The reflection paper is a written document that demonstrates the author's understanding of the concept and how they have applied it in real-world situations. The reflection paper shows the author's critical thinking skills and ability to analyze and evaluate the concept and its relevance to their life. The photos from the hiking and camping trip provide visual evidence of the author's engagement with the natural environment and how they have applied the principles of "The Land Ethic" in the real world. The photos also help to add context and provide a deeper understanding of the author's experiences beyond the classroom. Overall, these artefacts effectively document and give a more excellent knowledge of the WTC/BTC and its concept.

The author connected to their pathway by discussing how "The Land Ethic" aligns with their personal values and desire to work in a field related to environmental conservation. They also mention how the concept has influenced their decision to pursue a career in environmental science.

If I have to rate this entry for items 4 thru 9 on the ePortfolio rubric, I will give a high rating of 8 or 9. The entry is well-written and well-organized; the author has demonstrated their understanding of the concept and how they have applied it in real-world situations. The artifacts used in the entry effectively illustrate the author's learning, and the reflection paper on "The Land Ethic" is thoughtful and insightful. The author also makes a clear connection to their pathway, which shows how this learning is relevant and meaningful to them.
