


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Discuss stylistically appropriate writing strategies for various audiences, subjects, and purposes Interpret the writing process as a means for generating ideas, drafting, and revising for improving the quality and effectiveness of one′s own writing Overview In this assignment, you will review some of the valuable writing skills you have learned in the course. You will also be asked to consider how you might take those skills forward into future writing situations. Directions For this reflection assignment, you will consider the choices you made about your approach to writing based on your understanding of revision and the feedback provided by your instructor. Address the criteria below in complete paragraphs. Start each paragraph with a main idea and support it with detail. Ensure that you proofread your final draft and correct any errors you may find. Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed. Feedback and Revision Reflection: Use this reflection to look back on the work you have done and the feedback you have been given throughout this course. Think about how you might use what you have learned when writing in the future. Think about your experiences with revision in this course. What approaches to revision worked well for you? What revision strategy will you take with you to your next course? Explain your reasoning. How did the feedback you were given influence the way you will approach the writing process in the future? Audience: Use this part of your reflection to consider how you might apply what you have learned about writing to an audience in the future. What choices did you make to your writing to speak to your audience in your essay? What potential audiences do you think you will be writing for in the future? What questions will you ask about your audiences in the future to help you connect your writing with them? What to Submit Your reflection must be 1 to 2 pages in length and follow MLA or APA formatting. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.



Feedback and Revision Essay

Feedback and Revision Reflection

The approaches to revision in writing that worked well for me include rewriting, adding new material to the text, and using repetition of words or phrases as a stylistic device, such as italics or boldface, during dialogue or poetry. (Kolin, 2022). Rewriting as a revision approach worked because it allowed me to improve the text without changing the ideas I wanted to portray. It also allowed me to be objective and subjective about my reader as I reread my work. 

Adding new material to the text as an approach to revision worked well for me because it was a step-by-step process. I began by reading through my draft and marking significant passages to see the ones that needed correction quickly. As I was reading, I also wrote down a short list of questions that popped into my head while reading those passages. It also allowed me to find new ideas from the text and thus enriched my essay.

I used repetition of words or phrases as a stylistic device when writing my story, italics or boldface type during dialogue, or poetry as an approach to revision. It worked well because it allowed me to find phrases I liked and repeat them until they felt like they were a natural part of the writing. They also allowed me to try different variations of the words and see which ones I liked best. Repetition naturally emphasizes important moments and makes them memorable.

In my next course, the preferred revision strategy I will take is the "read it again" strategy. If you read what you wrote, thought about it, and then changed something to improve, then most likely, the progress was a good idea and will work. It ensures you stay relevant to the topic in question.

 The feedback received after submitting a work of writing will influence how I will approach the writing process in the future because they tell me what they think of it, and I will try to write better. If someone were to leave a comment giving criticism, I would consider it and make adjustments if necessary (Huisman et al., 2019). It also provides constructive criticism, which may or may not be helpful for later works.

One has to make choices while writing to communicate to their audience in their essay. These choices include the complexity of your language and the details of the topics you are discussing. No matter what subject you're writing about, it would be best to use specific vocabulary that your reader will be familiar with. Begin by carefully reading the essay to identify any specialized words or jargon. If any word or phrase you know is too difficult for casual readers, it is best omitted from your writing or replaced with a more exact synonym. Generally, long sentences and complex structures will confuse your reader, and they will lose interest in reading.

The potential audiences I will be writing for in the future will include people who are interested in the subject, people who are not sure if they are interested in the topic but might be persuaded by a strong argument, and people who don't know about how anything about the subject but could learn more.

The first two audiences can get information about the essay and keep up with it, while those in the third audience need to be convinced to learn more before they start following. The first step in convincing them is making it clear what kind of audience the writing will be for and for whom it will be helpful. I will have to ensure that both my writing and layout appeal to all audiences

I will ask the following questions about my future audiences so that I can relay information precisely. Who is my audience, what would they like to know, and how vast is my knowledge of the topic of interest? (Holton et al., 2020). These questions will guide me on how to deliver my content and appeal to my readers fully.

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