Typed in 200-300 words explain clearly and concisely why you deserve to be a participant of this scholarship? your desire to pursue the field of nursing and what you expect to achieve in your professional and educational pursuits at Prince George′s Community college.


Health Science Student’s Scholarship at Prince George′s Community College
I am a passion-driven fourth-year undergraduate nursing student with an intense zeal for
service to humanity. My entry into this profession was never a mistake but rather a convergence
point of talent and fire in the belly. My thirst for being there for the sick, especially in the
neonatal and maternal units, is the greater force. Nursing has been a long-awaited dream with
precise determination and commitment. So far, I am a proud member of the America Nursing
Association (ANA) and later, The International Council of Nurses (ICN) immediately after
completing my diploma coursing in nursing.
My nursing studies have been a journey of great lessons that never missed challenges.
First, making timely fee payments has been a recurrent problem. As a total orphan, I have had to
rely on well-wishers, friends, and at times, on local government bursary. Secondly, being the
firstborn comes with responsibility. I have to substantively provide for my four siblings in
primary and high schools. It has eaten into my study times. Nonetheless, I have kept my
academic performance scores at the top of the class with a means score of 3.8 GPA.
I have looked around the world and resorted with high hopes to this humble request for a
scholarship. This shall enable me to complete the course successfully and facilitate the
realization of my lifelong dream of being the best nurse. It shall accord me the rarest chance to
support my family and make ends meet. I can not doubt the benefits of international exposure
that come with this opportunity. I believe this is the only chance to accomplish my career and
remain the role model I have been.