write a short 5 paragraph essay describing the key (1) myths, beliefs, & doctrines, (2) rituals, and (3) ethics from the video(s) and textbook. Your essay should include: an intro paragraph with a thesis sentence in the future tense (e.g. ″In this essay, I will describe... ″) followed by one sentence desсrіptions of what your body paragraphs will be about; three body paragraphs (the first sentence of each body paragraph should be that paragraph′s thesis/main point) with at least one citation each e.g. (Smith & Burr, p32); and a concluding paragraph restating the text from your intro text in the past tense (e.g. ″In this essay, I have described... ″) along with your own personal observations and lessons learned. This is for a university level religon class


Hindu Culture

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, with roots tracing back to the Vedic period in
India. Hindu culture is rich and diverse, with a multitude of traditions and practices that have
been handed down for centuries. The core beliefs of Hinduism are based on the Vedas, sacred
texts written in Sanskrit. Hinduism is a way of life that teaches tolerance, respect for all living
things, and the importance of leading a virtuous life. However, some key myths, beliefs,
doctrines, and ethics of the religion are discussed below.
The Hindu pantheon of gods and goddesses is vast and complex. Hindus believe in a
supreme being, Brahman, the creator and sustainer of the universe. From Brahman, two other
significant gods emerged: Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. Vishnu is often
depicted as a blue-skinned god holding a conch shell and a discus. Shiva is often described as a
white-skinned god with a blue throat, holding a trident and a drum (Gittinger, par.3). These three
major gods are part of a larger pantheon that includes various other gods and goddesses.
One of the fundamental beliefs in Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Hindus believe
that the soul is immortal and goes through a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This cycle is
known as samsara, and a person’s karma determines it. Karma is the sum of a person’s good and
bad deeds, determining how they will be reborn in their next life. Hindus believe it is possible to
break out of the cycle of samsara and attain moksha, which is liberation from the cycle of rebirth.Another critical belief in Hinduism is the belief in the caste system. The caste system is a
social hierarchy in which people are born into a specific caste and remain in that caste for their
entire life. There are four main castes: Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and
rulers), Vaishyas (farmers, merchants, and artisans), and Shudras (servants and laborers). Within
each caste, there are sub-castes, and people are further divided into jatis, endogamous groups.
The caste system is a critical social institution in Hinduism, and it determines a person’s
occupation, marriage partners, and social interactions.
Hindus believe in the doctrine of karma, which teaches that our actions in this life
determine our future destiny. This doctrine affects how Hindus live their lives in several ways.
First, Hindus believe in reincarnation, which means that after we die, our soul is reborn into
another body. This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth continues until we reach a state of
enlightenment. Second, Hindus believe that our actions in this life impact our future lives. This
means we must be careful about our activities because they can have consequences in the future.
Third, the karma doctrine also affects how Hindus view other people. Hindus believe that we are
all connected and that what we do to others will return to us in the future. This principle is
known as the law of karma.
Several essential Hindu rituals are performed to achieve a variety of different goals. One of
the most important Hindu rituals is the puja, a daily ritual to honor the gods and goddesses. The
puja includes offerings of flowers, fruits, and incense and is often accompanied by chanting and
prayer. Another crucial Hindu ritual is the yajna; a sacrificial fire ritual performed to propitiate
the gods and goddesses (Winia 123). The yajna includes the offering of ghee, milk, and grains
into the fire and is often accompanied by chanting and prayer.The ethical principles that guide Hindus in their daily lives are based on the doctrine of
karma. Hindus believe that we are all connected and that what we do to others will return to us in
the future. This principle is known as the law of karma. Hindus also believe in the principle of
ahimsa, which is the principle of non-violence (Bodewitz 15). This principle teaches Hindus to
avoid violence in all forms and seek to resolve conflict through peaceful means instead.
In conclusion, Hinduism is a rich and diverse religion with a long history and many core
beliefs. Hindus believe in a supreme being, Brahman, the creator and sustainer of the universe.
They also believe in reincarnation and the caste system. Hindus live their lives according to the
doctrine of karma, which teaches that our actions impact our future lives. Hindus perform a
variety of rituals, such as the puja and the yajna, to honor the gods and achieve different goals.
Lastly, Hindus follow the principle of ahimsa, which is the principle of non-violence.