Topic : How divorce affects minority children in the US academically? one-page paper (no more than 250 words), students will state the significance of the topic selected as well as their rationale for choosing it, particularly regarding its theoretical and empirical relevance (e.g., theories explaining domestic violence; racial differences in incarceration rates; reasons for dropping out of school). Papers should include a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles. Please do not quote, use your own words, and ask yourself: Include :Why am I interested in this topic? Why is this topic relevant from a sociological theory perspective? What would I like to find out about it? All papers should be typed, double-spaced, spell-checked and proofread.


How Divorce Affects Minority Children in the US Academically?
The topic’s findings is to the interest of the children from the devoiced families. By
contributing to the scholarly literature on this issue, this population acquired more exposure,
which will lead to a better knowledge of their lived experiences and how those lived experiences
affect them socially, historically, economically, and individually. This research also adds to a
body of knowledge that is underrepresented in the literature on divorce in adult children of
African heritage. I wanted to increase the sociological knowledge of this specific group through
my study.
The information acquired via this topic can be used by therapists and counselors to
address problems and become conscious of some of the issues that Black kids have as a result of
their parents' divorce. According to Demir-Dagdas et al. (2018), the opportunity for societal
transformation is enormous. With Black households disintegrating and decaying, the results of
this study give insight into the perspectives of these children about divorce. This study raises
awareness and fills a vacuum in the literature about Black adult divorced couples that had not yet
been addressed (Zangmo, 2019).
I am interested in this topic since I have worked close with the black kids from devoiced
family and it has always been my desire to understand them and their experiences at school.
From this topic, I will gain wide understanding of their experience at school and add information
to the literature that is existing concerning the topic. The topic is relevant to from sociological
perspective in that it will provide insight on how the children relate in the society and how they
interact with their fellow.

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