
Is education a privilege or a right I need the outline the rough draft and The final draft


I believe that education should be a fundamental right and that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue a high-quality education. Education is an essential element in our lives since it teaches us how to deal with even the most basic needs. It is now necessary to have two people earning money to remain afloat and sustain a family in the past 30 years since the economy has changed so much in that time. My views and opinions on why education should be a right are extreme, and when I ask myself why education should be a privilege, I get a resounding affirmative. Should only those who are well-off or affluent be permitted to get a good, respectable education? Why should only some categories of people have access to a high-quality education? What causes a low-income family or a student to become enslaved by their debts?

An ordinary person should be able to participate in education, and this should be made possible. It is something in which they, as well as the rest of society, should be involved. Having the luxury of receiving an education is equivalent to winning the jackpot at birth, in my opinion, since such individuals are already one step ahead of the rest of the population. While the bulk of society struggles to finance a decent education, specific individuals are blessed with the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Even if the federal government does not cover the entire cost of education, the less fortunate may get stressed out about raising the necessary funds to attend school (Keeton, 1979). They must seek other funding sources for their education, such as private loans, which are challenging to get if you have no credit or even if your parents have no or poor credit themselves. The next step is to locate someone who will agree to utilize their education credit toward your education.

Several nations provide free education, such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Slovenia, and France, to mention a few examples. These nations have a great structure to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to lead a prosperous life in the future. With the growing cost of education increasing year after year, more and more students are questioning whether or not it is worthwhile to continue their education. There are a growing number of students and families who are looking for alternatives to traditional higher education options such as technical schools. Still, even such options are costly, and in some cases, even more expensive than a traditional community college. It all boils down to not having the financial means to pursue educational pursuits beyond high school.

Education is one of the essential requirements, and without it, our nation and the people who live on it would not exist (Keeton, 1979). Education is a fundamental need in life. It also allows individuals to participate in their country's political, social, and economic life and return to what I stated before. If everyone had free access to educational opportunities, the world would be a better place. If we had a better education, our issues and worries would almost certainly be resolved. Educational opportunities may help you live a better life, get a knowledge of your financial obligations, and help you become a better person.

Educational attainment is the key to moving up the social ladder, pursuing higher-paying professions, and eventually achieving complete success in life (Silver, 2021). Education is essential, and no one should be denied the opportunity to get it. The right to an education is one of the fundamental human rights that should be enjoyed by all people, from their earliest years to their later years. Man's rational nature and morality provide him with basic privileges, which he derives from these two characteristics. A person's right to education is an inalienable right, which means that it cannot be renounced or transferred since it is required to accomplish a person's fundamental duty.