It’s a college essay so write it like your me. My name is Ray Aurelien I’m 17 and Haitian. I was born in Boston hospital. In highschool I was a 4 yr varsity football wide receiver. I went toSoutheastern Regional Vocational Technical High School where I attended the culinary program. During my senior year I was apart of SkillsUSA which was a a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. It was a hard time for me in school having 8 siblings and coming from the town of Brockton where there was a lot of gang and gun violence. At the end of my senior year I had left with 2 scholarships to aid me in college. You can stuff about me too it’s ok just make it make sense that’s all.


Hello, my name is Ray Aurelien, a Haitian national born 17 years ago. My birthplace was
a hospital in Boston. I participated in the culinary arts program at Southeastern Regional
Vocational Technical High School. Raised by a single mom, it was tough for me and eight of my
siblings. After my mother lost her job and stopped receiving a steady paycheck, we were
compelled to live with our grandparents. Having eight siblings and being from Brockton's violent
city made for me a challenging academic environment. I played wide receiver for four years on
the varsity football team in high school. The situation compelled me to suspend my football
career for some time, but I still managed to get straight A's and graduated at the top of my class.
With such an exemplary performance, I’m a highly optimistic freshman ready for admission to
college. SkillsUSA membership has helped me  grow as a leader, connected me with other
professionals in my field, and help you master in-demand technical skills. Furthermore, we have
been displaying our abilities and competing for honors at local, state, and federal levels.
During my senior year, I participated in SkillsUSA, an organization that brings together
students, educators, and employers to improve the quality of America's workforce. SkillsUSA
encourages each student's success. I was a bright student back in high school because I managed
to keep my grades up, which eventually two scholarships to help pay for college. Both soccer
and baseball are two of my favorite sports. Furthermore, I enjoy working out and fixing
automobiles. I want to share that I like engaging in community services because that is where my
heart belongs. We are a group of cousins planning to launch a charity aiming at the needy in
some of Brockton's roughest neighborhoods. SkillsUSA is an organization that unites schools
and businesses to train the next generation of American workers. The organization's primary goal
involves helping its learners develop into outstanding professionals, community leaders, and
decent people. SkillsUSA enhances inter-generational competence in the workforce by teaching

students academically useful life, job, and practical expertise. The Career and technical
education (CTE) is bolstered, and students' achievements are celebrated via our many academic
activities, curriculums, and contests designed to meet businesses' and industries' demands.
Instructors may utilize SkillsUSA's array of expert development tools to hone their craft and
ensure that their CTE courses adhere to the highest principles in the field.
My decision to join this organization was the best because I was looking for a way of
showing more interest in my studies and expanding my social circle. In addition, I wanted to
exploit the organization in my quest to secure essential financial aid. I've been an essential pillar
of the group for just a year. Within the short stint, I have had the privilege of holding many roles
as a leader. I have participated in and won numerous events, both locally and nationally. As a
SkillsUSA representative, I cannot complain about not having visited many interesting places.
Thanks to SkillsUSA, I was given a chance to network with several inspiring individuals. I feel
more rejuvenated, and my life is on a positive trajectory. As an accomplished, skilled workforce
member, I will focus on serving my fellow humans in every way possible. I will seek to alleviate
the poverty level in my neighborhood. Our charitable organization will receive major
empowerment from SkillsUSA, and we shall have a significant impact on society.