After reading this week’s assigned chapters, think about your nursing philosophy. In your own words, discuss your philosophy of nursing. Reflect on the definition of the four concepts of the nursing meta-paradigm. Write your own definition for each concept of the meta-paradigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the meta-paradigm of nursing and why? Which concept would you eliminate and why? Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, in APA style, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. Cite at least one outside source using APA style.


My Nursing Philosophy

The concept of “person” takes center stage in my nursing philosophy. I firmly believe
that each person is made using unique and multifaceted characteristics, and my role as a nurse is
to provide them with a platform to receive holistic care that respects and addresses every aspect
of their existence. In helping an individual in a care setting, I believe I should not delve into their
physical ailment alone but also into spiritual, social, and emotional entities with their own
experiences, preferences, and values (Rooddehghan et al., 2015). As a believer of the concept of
the person in the provision of healthcare, I believe I need to approach each patient as a whole
person, recognizing the importance of their physical health, but also their mental and emotional
well-being, and their social and spiritual dimension. As a nurse, I understand that my practice
revolves around forming genuine, therapeutic relationships with my patients rooted in trust,
respect, and empathy. I strive to actively ensure that I involve all patient in care, ensuring that
their choices, beliefs, and goals are at the forefront of their healthcare journey.
The concept of environment in nursing involves the conditions and surroundings that
influence the health of an individual. It encompasses the physical environment such as a broader
sociocultural context, healthcare facility, workplace, or home where a patient and their patients
live. Recognizing the profound impact that the environment plays a significant role in health, I
take into account not only the patient's life environment and circumstances (Rooddehghan et al.,
2015). By understanding and addressing the environmental factors of a patient, I will create a
platform that can enable me to provide patients with comprehensive and effective care. For
example, when caring for a patient with a chronic condition such as diabetes, I consider their
home environment and its sustainability for managing their condition safely.

Health is another vital concept of the nursing meta-paradigm. It is a dynamic state that
extends beyond the mere absence of illness. I view health as a holistic concept encompassing
social, mental, and physical well-being. As a nurse, my goal is to ensure patients get empowered
to attain optimal levels of care, recognizing that this may look different for each person
(Rooddehghan et al., 2015). Consequently, I commit my professional life as a nurse to promoting
health and preventing illness through preventive care, lifestyle guidance, and educating patients.
When illness occurs, I focus not only on the treatment of disease but also on supporting my
patient’s psychological and emotional well-being, as these factors significantly influence the
healing process (Rooddehghan et al., 2015). I am also an advocate for the promotion of
emotional well-being and mental health as an essential component of overall health.
Nursing, in my personal view, is both a science and an art. Nursing involves the
application of evidence-based knowledge, compassionate care, and clinical skills that meet the
diverse needs of individuals (Rooddehghan et al., 2015). In the nursing field, I see myself as a
partner in the healthcare journey of my patients, an educator, and a facilitator in care provision.
Effective collaboration and communication with the healthcare team and the support system of
the patient are vital to my nursing practice (Rooddehghan et al., 2015). I also intend to ensure
that the voice of patients is heard in my role as a patient advocate and that their rights are
respected throughout their care experience. In short, my nursing practice is rooted in the
principles of commitment, professionalism, and ethics to deliver safe and high-quality care.
In summary, my comprehensive nursing philosophy centers on the holistic care of
individuals, acknowledging the interplay between the person, environment, health, and nursing.
By integrating cultural competence into this paradigm, I aim to provide inclusive, culturally
sensitive care that respects the diversity of patients I serve.