Case study on operation management

Make four recommendations for improvements using a Lean method to solve issues or
challenges stated in the case study document. Two recommendations should apply the 5 S's,
and two should apply poka-yoke. Where 5 S's is used, be sure to use all five of the "S's":
Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain


Several recommendations can prove appropriate to solve the issues raised in the case study.

1. 5S Implementation:

a) Sort: The first Step in the 5S methodology is to sort through the current process and identify
what is necessary and what is not. In this case, it would involve reviewing the current steps in the
process and determining if each Step is necessary or if there are any redundancies.

b) Straighten: The second step is to straighten or reorganize the process to improve flow and
efficiency. This may involve rearranging the order or consolidating steps to eliminate duplicates
(Julião & Gaspar, 2021).

c) Shine: The third Step is to shine or clean the process by removing clutter and distractions. This
may involve eliminating unnecessary forms, paperwork or tools that are unnecessary to complete
the process.

d) Standardize: The fourth Step is to standardize the process by documenting the new, streamlined
steps and creating procedures for their implementation. This will help to ensure that everyone
follows the same steps, reducing the risk of error and confusion.

e) Sustain: The final Step is to sustain the improvements by continuously monitoring the process
and making adjustments as needed (Julião & Gaspar, 2021). This may involve regular audits,
training, and employee feedback to identify areas for improvement.

2. Poka-Yoke Implementation:

a) Contact Sales Member: To avoid wasting time on Step (a.1), a poka-yoke solution could be
implemented to ensure that the sales member is only contacted when necessary. For example, an
automated system could be created that checks the status of the customer's request before reaching
out to the sales member.

b) Confirming Customer Information: In order to avoid wasting time on Step (d), a poka-yoke
solution could be implemented to ensure that the customer information is accurate before it is
logged (Julião & Gaspar, 2021). For example, an automatic verification system could be created
that checks the accuracy of the information before it is recorded.

Standardization as a recommendation to solve wastage problems: One of the key recommendations
to solve the wastage problems in the case study is to implement standardization in the process.
Thie process now involves documenting the new, streamlined process and creating procedures for
its implementation (Julião & Gaspar, 2021). Standardization helps to ensure that everyone follows
the same steps, reducing the risk of error and confusion. This can will be achieved through the
following steps:

a) Document the Process: The first Step in standardizing the process is to document it clearly and
concisely. The process may involve creating flow charts, diagrams, or procedures that clearly
outline the steps involved.

b) Train Employees: The next Step is to train employees on the new process and procedures. This
may involve holding training sessions, providing hands-on training or creating online modules.