
Write a 5 page research paper (12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced) describing the disorder. What are important key points that an individual should know about this disorder? Be sure to discuss symptoms, as well as treatment options for this disorder. Use a minimum of 3 references (yes, one reference can be your text book!). Be sure to cite your references throughout your paper. Also include a full reference page in APA format on separate page (pg. 5) from your paper. **Your title page will be page 1.


Panic disorder

Important points an individual should know about the disorder.

Individuals should primarily have the following information on panic disorder: Individuals should be aware from the start that the disorder can affect anyone, as it is not a preserver of the few in society. According to research on the disorder, each individual should visit their doctor for checkups regularly to avoid developing the deadly disorder, which can affect anyone. Panic disorder is thus simply defined as an anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences frequent episodes of panic or fear. Most importantly, researchers emphasize that everyone experiences anxiety and panic at some point in their lives, as it is natural and can be caused by stress or being in dangerous situations.

Another important aspect of panic disorder that people should be aware of is the various types of the disorder. First, individuals should be well-acquainted with panic disorder, which is primarily characterized by anxiety or panic attacks. In this type of attack, the main causes are fear and worry, which tend to cause the disorder. Furthermore, even in the absence of an actual trigger, such as danger, individuals affected often experience a physical reaction, such as nausea, shaking, and heavy breathing, thus making the disorder deadly (Panic Disorder Symptoms, Causes, and Effects, 2019). Research also reports that individuals with this kind of disorder often suffer from constant worry about when they will get their next panic attack.

Again, individuals should be aware of the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) common among many individuals. Experts describe this disorder as when a person is constantly disturbed by bad things, although there are minimal chances of them occurring. Sometimes, an individual usually feels constantly worried without any valid reason. Further, experts note that this kind of disorder is so abnormal that it now hinders an individual's daily routine, thus making it difficult for one to be productive.

Individuals are also urged to know about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), another type of panic disorder. The disorder is primarily characterized by unwanted behaviours and thoughts that most probably overwhelm an individual (Panic disorder symptoms, causes, and effects, 2019). For instance, an individual mind cannot stop worrying about whether you turned off the gas while leaving the house. Such a disorder is characterized by compulsion, thus making the individual constantly disturbed.

Besides, individuals are also urged to know more about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Traumatic events, such as near-death experiences like accidents or participation in war for soldiers, often cause PTSD. The events usually make individuals feel sad, frightened and detached from others. According to research, if the disorder goes untreated at its initial stage, it leads to hypervigilance and the inability to live normally.

Most importantly, individuals are urged to be well acquainted with the causes of panic disorders, thus enabling them to find treatment early. Family history plays a huge role in an individual's risk of panic disorder. Research indicates that individuals from families with a history of mental health issues will have anxiety problems. Another cause of panic disorder is the occurrence of stressful events (Panic disorder symptoms, causes, and effects 2019). Stress can be caused by multiple reasons, like workplace troubles, losing a loved one, and troubled relationships. If the causes of this stress are not well-checked, an individual might be attacked by the disorder. Health issues or history also greatly contribute to the disorder. Thyroid disease, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, for example, are some of the health conditions that significantly contribute to an individual's anxiety. Individuals suffering from depression are also big candidates for panic disorder, as they tend to always be worried.

Moreover, an individual who has been experiencing depression for a long time might end up underperforming at work, thus leading to work-related stress, which in the long run would result in an anxiety disorder (Panic disorder symptoms, causes, and effects 2019). Additionally, another major cause of the panic disorder is heavy substance use. Heavy users of substances such as alcohol and drugs tend to develop anxiety problems when the effects begin to wear off, thus leading to the development of the disorder if such conditions persist. Finally, personality factors are a major cause of the panic disorder. Individuals who are perfectionists, for example, are more likely to develop the disorder because they like to be in control; if they feel out of control, they develop anxiety.

Signs and Symptoms of the Disorder

Panic or anxiety disorder has many signs and symptoms that are often overlooked, but they might lead an individual to chronic problems if not identified early and treated. At its core, the first symptom of an anxiety disorder is an increased heart rate and heavy breathing. Research indicates that an individual with an anxiety disorder tends to develop breathing problems, and their heart rate also rises. Additionally, another symptom of anxiety disorder is an increase in muscle tension. Increased muscle tension primarily occurs when an individual has great anxiety about what will happen; the fact that it persists proves that an individual has a panic disorder (White Swan Foundation, 2022). Again, the tightening sensation in the chest is also great proof that an individual suffers from a panic disorder. Reports indicate that this is further caused when the individual starts having breathing problems, which indicate the strain on the lungs. An increased incidence of worry and restlessness is another panic disorder symptom. Lastly, the obsession over needless things leading to compulsive behaviour is also a symptom of the disorder as it indicates how anxious the individual has become.

Treatment of the disorder

Experts in the medical field have urged individuals with panic disorder to ensure they get medical attention as soon as they see the signs and symptoms or are diagnosed with the disorder. Medics indicate that treatment of the disorder can play a vital role in helping reduce the intensity and frequency of an individual panic attack in a day, thus playing a critical role in helping individuals with the disorder have a comfortable life. As per the doctors, the main treatment options for an individual suffering from the disorder are psychotherapy and medications. However, doctors say that depending on the patient's history with the disorder, either of the treatments is usually recommended.

At its core, psychotherapy, or "talk therapy," primarily refers to attending regular sessions with a therapist who would listen to your insecurities and advise you on how to manage the problem. Psychotherapy is typically the first treatment technique recommended because it allows the therapist to determine the extent to which an individual has been affected by the disorder (Panic attacks and panic disorder, 2018). Through psychotherapy, an individual can understand panic attacks and how to cope with them. However, the most vital form of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioural therapy, which primarily plays a critical role in helping one learn through their experiences, thus making it easier to overcome challenges. For instance, this kind of therapy usually requires a therapist to gradually recreate the symptoms of the panic attack in a safe, repetitive manner. This process is considered vital as it helps an individual learn how to manage such a problem in the hands of a professional. According to reports, however, seeing the results of such a treatment would take time because an individual would need to learn some aspects before it is effective. If the technique is well executed, the signs and symptoms of the panic disorder will start to reduce gradually, thus beginning the road to recovery.

Lastly, another treatment technique for panic disorder is taking the medications prescribed by your therapist. Medications are often known to help reduce the symptoms of panic attacks, thus helping an individual reduce anxiety and depression (Panic attacks and panic disorder 2018). However, different drugs have all proved helpful in solving the mess. First, therapists can recommend a patient take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), primarily antidepressants that reduce panic attacks and anxiety. Again, drugs like serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and benzodiazepines have all been shown to reduce panic attacks and depression in patients who use them.