POLICE REFORMS Our Top Notch Tutors offers the best quality Essay Writing Services

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This week, we will examine the guidelines for successfully transitioning from officer to supervisor and highlight key points to remember regarding the supervisory position. (Best Essay Writing Services) Please review the attachments and answer the questions below. Your answer to each question should be at least two paragraphs.



Questions for this week:

1. Based on your own personal experiences, what are your thoughts on the guidelines for successfully transitioning from officer to supervisor?

Questions 2 is based on the news article regarding the "Make Enforcement Great Again 2020" Logos on a police sergeant's uniform:

2. Do you believe this is exclusively a President Trump issue? Please explain why or why not.

Question 3 is based on the Staten Island Advance article regarding the City Counsel and Police reform:

3. What are your thoughts on what the City Counsel is proposing regarding police reform?

Question One

The selection and promotion of police officers, supervisors, and commissioners is often a
rigorous process that involves the analysis and interview of the members to see who is eligible
for any promotion or hiring. There is a general expectation that the process is to be conducted
fairly and transparently. (POLICE REFORMS)The officer needs to be trained in leadership because the position of
supervisor requires it requires science and art. The guidelines for successful transom from a
police officer to a supervisor offer the person chosen the chance to transition successfully. The
transition training offers the officer a chance to adjust and prepare for any hurdles they may need
to overcome (POLICE REFORMS). The guidelines effectively teach about ethical conduct and how they should handle
politics, be impartial and undertake their role with diligence (Best Essay Writing Services). Therefore the guidelines Act as a
blueprint on what is necessary for an officer to transition to become a supervisor successfully.

Question Two Law Enforcement: POLICE REFORMS

The issue was not exclusively a Trump issue because law enforcement officers must
remain neutral and not express their Political likes and dislikes in public or at work (POLICE REFORMS). Public
members must trust the police in their impartiality in handling people from different political d
vides should not get questioned (New York Post, 2021). The moment the public starts to
question the capability and im[artiality of police officers, they already perceive that getting
justice is unattainable (New York Post, 2021). It is dangerous for police to wear any form of a
patch that is not authorized and could signal a wrong message to the public, especially when they
are still on duty (POLICE REFORMS). The issue was past the Trump issue and instead was more about restricting
officers from making political statements while they are on their duties representing the police

3Question Three
The City Council proposal to limit the commissioner's authority and reduce some
responsibilities from the NYPD seeks to bring reforms into the police department, especially
after Georg Floyd's death. The reforms proposed the intent to limit police officers' hold, such as
investigating if traffic accidents ban the response to mental health emergencies. According to the
proposal on Police Reform, the police commissioner would get stripped of the power of having the final say when
it comes to disciplinary matters (Liotta, 2021). The city council will also have the power to
confirm the police commissioner.

The proposal that a bill should remove the qualified immunity that protects government agents from civil liability is a good proposal (POLICE REFORMS). Such a proposal would make agents who error face the law's hand by facing civil lawsuits apart from disciplinary action. It is essential to increase and mend the relations between the police and the local community, especially after the heightened protection over racial profiling and police brutality that came into sharp focus after the viral video of George Floyd's death (Liotta, 2021). The reforms are also aimed at reducing the NYPD footprint and ensuring that the police department collaborates more with the community as shareholders to increase public trust, which has suffered a dent over the past year (Liotta, 2021). Transparency is an essential element that has long evaded the police department. The intended proposals are aimed at ensuring that the police work in a transparent and accountable manner.