[caption id="attachment_884" align="alignnone" width="437"]Psychology Psychology[/caption]

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1. What is the difference between an informed consent form, a coaching agreement, and the coaching plan?
2. Explain the ethical guidelines that influenced your informed consent.
3. Review the combined form. Describe how comfortable are you with communicating: This is who I am, this is what I do, and this is what I charge?



Qn 1.

Psychosocial Domain

Psychosocial- Gender or Race/ Ethnicity.

Persons come to accept whom they are based on their ethnic and or racial origin and gender roles. (Psychology)It is the process of identifying and resolving the influential attitudes and feelings about one’s ethnic group and other groups and identifying one’s place in both. Gender identity keeps becoming a prolonged task as norms and attitudes change from time to time, this allows them to explore various aspects of gender. Some teens may foreclose on gender identity to deal with this uncertainty, and they may adopt more stereotypic male or female roles (Sinclair & Carlsson, 2013). Youths who attend college expose themselves to various options and roles, allowing them to re-open questions about their gender identity leading to further exploration and new commitments.(Psychology)

Qn.2    Concept focus is on James Marcia's Adolescent identity theory.

The most famous person who studied the formation of identity is a man named James Marcia. Based on the grounding of Erikson’s work and psychosocial development. James Marcia refined and extended Erikson’s model mainly focusing on adolescent development.(Psychology)  Addressing Erikson’s notion of an identity crisis, James put forward the fact that the adolescent stage consists neither of identity resolution nor identity confusion, but rather the degree to which one has committed and explored identity in a variety of life domains such as vocation, gender values or gender roles, and religion. James’s theory or concept of identity achievement gives reasons that two distinct parts form an adolescent’s identity, that is, identity crisis, and commitment. He defined that reexamination of old values then happens during an upheaval time known as crisis522. The end outcome of an identity crisis leads to a commitment made to a certain value or role.(Psychology)

Qn.3    Theoretical framework

Foreclosure is where these people have committed to exploring their occupational future but have not experienced an identity crisis (decision-making). (Psychology)They have not conformed to the expectations of others concerning their future; for example, an individual may have allowed a parent to decide what career they will pursue. These individuals have not experienced any of the range of exploration options. Diffusion whereby an individual has not committed to collecting my results and may or may not have experienced an identity crisis and made no attempt. In moratorium, individuals actively explore alternative commitments but have not yet decided to commit themselves.(Psychology)

Achievement framework where individuals actively explore occupations for the rest of their life after experiencing an identity crisis.

Qn.4a During my early adolescent years, when my parents left home and told me to wash clothes, I could not wash the clothes since I had my sister who could wash moreover, in our community, boys were not allowed to wash as it was ladies and women responsibility but learned that the washing was for both boys and boys and also it was a sign of help.(Psychology)

Qn.4b  In my early teens, my father and mother always told me not to marry from another tribe since they tend to have weird behaviors, such as going out of wedlock. To me, what mattered was the partner's heart and therefore decided to marry from another tribe regardless of the ethnic group.

Qn.5    I have also experienced role/identity confusion at the end of my adolescent life span since nowadays I do not wash plates and even cook at home; this is because fellow men look down on me when they find me washing clothes yet have married, as it shows a sign of weakness.

Qn.6    In conclusion, through the many experiences of life, you can either gain insight from them and learn or not. Each of these moral lessons could be a different moral such as not to live with regrets or that most people living around you are selfish. These are just but some of the ways a person’s identity can be influenced positively or negatively. Aware of these things or not, they are affected. Personal identity is a very complex topic in that many things can influence who you are and what makes you unique from anyone else. Finally, I believe that my soul, my ability to remember, my awareness or perception of something, (Psychology) and the various stages in my life make up my identity. I also gained the knowledge that during the adolescent period it is okay to develop positive identities that benefit the community. Doing this will help eradicate psychosocial problems in society.

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