
To PROPOSE: put forward a plan of action for consideration and potential adoption and implementation PROPOSAL: The actual PLAN Choosing your Research Proposal topic: (nota bene: I expect you to RESEARCH the basics of your proposal BEFORE proposing. I don′t mind helping people with research if asked, but it bothers me and thus your grade if: I know more about the topic off the top of my head than you show in your proposal statement. I don′t expect you to know everything yet, but you need to be familiar with the area. You pick something that is difficult to impossible to research. It is a RESEARCH paper, if you can′t find data, it can′t be good. SO do at least preliminary investigation.) Pretend you are submitting a proposal/ballot initiative to to get enough signatures to be on the ballot in California. You are standing outside the Safeway getting people to sign. You will need a clear statement of what the proposal does, so people can quickly figure out if they might be for it or not. If it is confusing, they are unlikely to sign or vote for it if it does get on the ballot. Please submit a simple 1 paragraph introduction of the topic area (4-5 good sentences). MUST include a specific PROPOSAL STATEMENT in bold type giving direction and amount. This does not have to be short and should include EVERYTHING that you intend to require. If you need a bullet point list, do that. If you are reforming gun laws for example, do not just say, ″this is a proposal to reform gun laws.″ Instead, list all the specific new facets of gun law that you will implement. IE, ″My Proposal is to reform tax laws by decreasing tax rates by 12.5 % in the top income bracket to a new rate of 25%″. I need to know HOW MUCH you are decreasing them to - what the NEW tax rate will be. Define the terms you use. Vague proposals using vague terms will be marked down. Answer ALL of the following IN the statement: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW? A goal or objective is not a proposal. You need to be clear on what actions will be taken to achieve the goal. In addition to the statement itself, include information that a problem exists and requires a solution by government action. Make sure you have a clear proposal statement that starts essentially: ″This is a proposal to...″ (SUBMIT the precise statement IN BOLD TYPE) You are welcome to email if you have other questions about how you should approach your project. keep in mind, OUR GOAL IS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS, NOT MAKE THEM WORSE, OR SIMPLY FLIP THE SIDES. I want you try to find a compromise position that could at least POTENTIALLY be acceptable to both sides. For example, ″ban all abortion″, or ″make all abortion legal″ are NOT good ideas. As soon as it passes the losing group will initiate legislation to reverse it. CAN YOU find something that takes us from the fruitless discussions of the last 40 years? This is why a good abstract is important. Can you evaluate the topic area in a way that you understand and can argue for BOTH sides? Understanding that, can YOU find a solution? In this sense, I don′t want the bill to simply be what YOU think the law should be. That′s the starting point. From there, and based on that, I want you to try to discover what might be an effective, enforceable, workable law or a proposal for governmental action for ALL 330 million Americans. Having trouble picking a topic? Think back to your PEW/Compass/Isidewith survey answers and find something that was important to you, but that is not the way it is currently being done by our government. Then try to come up with a solution. You may pick ANY ONE level of government you choose, from Federal down to state or local, even Solano College But it must be clear WHO (at what level will your policy be implemented?). Your ideas should be at least defensibly Constitutional. If they are not, I will not like them, and/or part of your proposal should be to amend the Constitution to allow it. BE PRECISE with your Proposal. Tell me EXACTLY/SPECIFICALLY what action you are proposing to do. This is NOT a paper to ″talk about″ an issue, or explore possible paths. For example: Bad - ″Lets talk about speed limits and traffic fatalities″ Good: ″This is a proposal to decrease speed limits on all interstate highways to 35mph.″ The reader should know exactly what the new law/regulation/policy will be if they support your proposal. Define terms IN YOUR TOPIC SELECTION submission. Do NOT assume everyone has the same idea of what something means.


Addressing Tax Challenges By Introducing A New Reform

Digitization of the economy has already created a major challenge of tax evasion for big businesses across the United States. Technological advancement has enhanced the emergence of electronic commerce, digital currencies, and other innovative ways of commercializing trade. Consequently, these technological developments have created many challenges for taxing and controlling big businesses (Hadzhieva, 2016). Further, the current practical tax laws are not clear enough to regulate businesses operating on electronic commerce platforms, creating a complex tax evasion phenomenon. This proposal is to curb tax avoidance or evasion by creating a minimum tax rate for large corporations and multinationals of at least 18% of the total revenue.

Over the years, the United States national government has already introduced several tax reforms that are already helping many Americans. The main tax reforms related to decreased individual rates as well as lower rates for corporations and small businesses. As a result of these reforms, many businesses (especially those in the top income bracket) have promised to review and increase their wages, salaries, benefits, and bonuses and lower some of the utility bills. However, lowering the tax rates for individuals and companies also reduces the much-needed tax revenue for the nation (Hodžić, 2022). Additionally, many business organizations have integrated digital technology into their businesses, enabling them to create many other revenue streams. However, these new streams of revenue (new digital platforms and other ways of commercializing their products and services) are not properly regulated and have created a loophole for tax evasion (Saint-Amans, 2017).

This proposal will identify the loopholes and create simplistic tax systems and structures that tax challenges such as evasion and avoidance. Suffice it to say that complex tax systems are also among the major drivers of tax evasion and avoidance because companies can afford to pay reputable lawyers to help them hide (under the complex nature of the laws). Further, the proposal will examine the nature of compliance and apply effective formulas and mechanisms to curb tax evasion and ensure that every taxpayer complies with the tax regulations. To measure the level of acceptance of the new tax systems, the researcher will also review the systems’ equity, compliance costs, and the level of satisfaction of the taxpayer. In doing so, the tax evasion and avoidance issue multiplied by the digitalization of the economy will reduce significantly, and the federal government will be able to collect more taxes and distribute them to the hard-working Americans.