-Please submit a short letter (approx. 250 words) explaining your desire to serve as a School Captain at BIS-NY. You may include any previous experience and also your ideas for initiatives that you would like to help run.- Experience= founder of the peer mentoring project and the student support leaders/ heads of year.- initiatives that you would like to help run - The goal is to give students a voice for any problem in the school environment, and to make sure the staff agrees that it is the right deception if no negotiation of both sides will be given. Create more support for upper student as they have to deal with there future and exams.



Dear Sir,
I am writing to express my desire to serve as a School Captain at BIS-NY. I would be an
excellent candidate for the position as I have a strong track record of leadership and service
within the school community.
As founder of the peer mentoring project, I have extensive experience working with
students and staff to create positive change within the school. I am also a student support leader
and have a keen understanding of the needs of our students. I believe that as School Captain, I
would be able to positively impact our school community and help create an inclusive and
supportive environment for all.
I have a clear vision for what I would like to achieve as School Captain and would be eager
to work with staff and students to make this a reality. I believe that all students should feel
supported and valued within our school community and would work to create initiatives that
promote this. I would also like more support for upper-level students preparing for exams and
their future beyond BIS-NY.
In addition to my commitment to academic excellence, I am a passionate sportsman and
believe that athletics plays an important role in school life. I would work to increase school spirit
and competitive success through my sports involvement and encourage all students to get
involved in our athletics program.
I believe that I have the skills and experience necessary to be an effective School Captain
and would be enthusiastic about serving in this role. I am committed to making BIS-NY the best
it can be and an even better place for all students. I would be grateful for your consideration, and
I look forward to discussing my candidacy further with you. Thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully,