Talent Management



You have been tasked with preparing a proposal to acquire and/or upgrade your organization’s talent management information system. (Talent Management) You will first evaluate your current organization (or one you are interested in working with) and evaluate their current system and/or process to include what works well and areas needing improvement. Using class resources as well as an Internet search, locate a program that you will recommend to meet the needs of your organization and, of course, justify your selection, addressing how it will fit the organization′s needs and goals. Make sure you include all, if not most, areas of talent management: talent acquisition, onboarding and integration, performance management, training and development, succession, readings, and retention, and workforce planning. (Talent Management) If you do not include all, make sure you provide an explanation as to why. Some things to remember…. Your paper (title page, paper, citations, and references) need to be in APA format. NO abstract is required Paper needs to be a minimum of 5 pages in length. This does not include your title or reference page. Please use 3rd person; however, you can use first-person perspective where applicable and appropriate, i.e. describing your own role, distinguishing from your point of view and others, or writing is reflective or contains personal elements. (Talent Management) Do not forget to incorporate conceptual discussion when appropriate. You will use a minimum of 5 sources. Because you will not have access to the programs, you will need to be creative in your resources. Often times, the software companies will publish and produce YouTube videos on the ″how to”….you could also include a summary of reviews, research industrial and professional organizations, and, of course, technology journals.

Talent Management

Talent Management

Talent management is crucial for all organizations looking for a better competitive advantage. Hence, companies must appeal to, develop, and hold the excellent talent to acquire their strategic objectives and goals. (Talent Management) In order to handle numerous facets of talent management, a talent management information system (TMIS) plays an essential role. These systems are crucial tools for firms to improve personnel management and optimize HR procedures while enhancing their talent management exertions. (Talent Management)TMIS can assist companies in streamlining their talent management procedures and expanding decision-making, employee engagement, and organizational performance. A major company with a diversified staff like XYZ Corporation understands the value of efficient talent management in attaining its strategic goals (Kravariti & Johnston, 2020). Recently, XYZ has managed various areas of talent management using a combination of physical and computerized methods, which results in inadequacies, replication of work, and an insufficient understanding of the talent management procedure. (Talent Management) Because of this, the company is attempting to update its existing talent management procedure by implementing a cutting-edge TMIS that can assimilate all of its talent management systems and rationalize its talent management procedure. Hence, it would be significant to assess the existing TMIS of XYZ Corporation to recommend an appropriate TMIS that can accomplish the organization’s desires. (Talent Management)

Evaluating XYZ’s Current Talent Management Information System

The present talent management procedure employed by XYZ Corporation consists of several systems and procedures to accomplish several talent management components. To accomplish hiring, onboarding, performance management, training and development, succession planning, retention, and workforce arrangement, the company combines manual procedures, like paper-grounded forms, with automated technology, such as spreadsheets and email (Murti et al., 2018). Nevertheless, combining human and automated procedures has led to inadequacies, double-dipping, and a distorted understanding of the talent management procedure. Currently, the hiring procedure at XYZ Corporation mainly relies on manual tasks, such as paper-grounded submissions and recommences. There is no automated system in place at the organization to handle candidate pursuing, application screening, and job advertisements (Murti et al., 2018). Adjournments in the hiring process and missed chances to entice top talent and encounters in classifying the most outstanding candidates for the available positions.

Manual and automated procedures are used in the onboarding process at XYZ Business. The HRIS system receives information manually from new hires after completing paper-grounded forms. The organization lacks a centralized onboarding system that can systematize the onboarding procedure and give new hires a more customized and exciting experience (Murti et al., 2018). Performance appraisals are managed manually by XYZ Business, who custom spreadsheets and paper-founded forms. Due to these issues, the procedure for evaluating employees' performance has been delayed, and assessments have been uneven and unfinished. Both human and automated techniques are used in the company's training and development program. In-person training meetings, online courses, and on-the-job training are all business training methods (Murti et al., 2018). Nevertheless, the existing system lacks a unified platform to manage staff training, measure completion, and thoroughly assess employee progress.

There is no formal sequence planning procedure in existence at XYZ Business. The business lacks a mechanism for identifying possible successors, evaluating their suitability for leadership positions, and developing their skills and competencies to prepare them for upcoming leadership roles. Organizational knowledge of employee appointment and maintenance is inadequate (Pasaribu & Sinulingga, 2021). It lacks a way to monitor employee appointments, pinpoint maintenance concerns, and implement retention initiatives for high-performing workers. There is no centralized mechanism in place in the organization to handle staff planning. The organization uses manual procedures to keep track of headcount, turnover, and other essential personnel indicators. This has made it challenging to forecast staff requirements and detect potential worker concerns.


The XYZ Company's existing talent management procedure has several shortcomings, but it also has some benefits that should be commended. The business is strongly committed to employee progress and provides a variety of training and progress chances to its staff. The organization also has a substantial performance review procedure that focuses on frequent training and response to aid employees in enhancing their performance (Pasaribu & Sinulingga, 2021). Additionally, the workplace is friendly and comprehensive because of the company's robust culture of cooperation and teamwork.

Improvement Areas

XYZ's existing talent management procedure has several advantages, but many areas could be improved. When choosing a new TMIS, the business should consider numerous areas for enhancement.The organization requires a more simplified and automated recruitment procedure to increase hiring competence and aid in finding the best candidates for available positions (Kravariti & Johnston, 2020). It also requires a centralized onboarding scheme to make the onboarding procedure more efficient and tailored for new hires. A more comprehensive and computerized performance management system is required so managers can trail employee development, give workers appropriate and productive feedback, and pinpoint areas for growth.

The business requires a centralized system for managing workers' training and progress to trail employee development, spot training gaps, and offer a complete picture of employee progress. The business needs a systematic sequence planning procedure that will aid in identifying possible successors, determining whether they are ready for leadership roles, and helping them build the necessary skills and competencies to be successful in such roles in the future van (Zyl et al., 2017). The business requires a mechanism to monitor worker satisfaction, spot possible retention issues, and implement high-performing workers' retention plans.The business requires a central system to manage workforce planning that can assist in forecasting workforce requirements and identifying potential workforce concerns.

The recommended Talent Management Information System

Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) is the suggested talent management information system (TMIS) following an exhaustive assessment of the present talent management procedure and requirements at XYZ Business.  An all-inclusive set of talent management capabilities, comprising recruitment, onboarding, performance management, training and development, succession planning, retention, and workforce planning, are offered by the cloud-grounded Workday HCM system (Kumar & Mallikarjuna, 2022). The system offers a user-friendly and unified podium for job listings, recommence screening and candidate tracking. The solution advances candidate involvement, rationalizes the hiring procedure, and offers real-time analytics and reporting options to monitor hiring KPIs. Succeeding a thorough evaluation of the current talent management procedure and necessities at XYZ Company, Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) is recommended as the talent management information system (TMIS) (Kumar & Mallikarjuna, 2022). The solution provides a full range of talent management abilities, comprising hiring, onboarding, performance administration, training and advancement, succession planning, retention, and workforce planning. Workday HCM provides a streamlined and user-welcoming podium for posting jobs, reviewing recommences, and tracking applicants.The system enhances the hiring procedure’s efficiency, enhances the candidate experience, and provides real-time analytics and reporting choices to track hiring KPIs.

The system provides an extensive learning management scheme that enables businesses to organize and offer staff development and training initiatives. The system includes customized learning routes, several training options like in-person classes, online courses, and on-the-job training, and actual-time reporting features to monitor worker development (Kumar & Mallikarjuna, 2022). It offers a robust sequence planning module that enables businesses to identify possible successors, gauge their suitability for leadership responsibilities, and enhance their skills and competencies to locate them for future leadership roles.  The system provides complete reporting tools to track future successors, pinpoint skill gaps, and create individualized progress plans. A thorough employee appointment element provided by Workday HCM enables businesses to assess employee appointment levels, spot retention challenges, and implement retention measures. In addition to offering individualized interferences to boost employee appointments, the system includes real-time analytics and reporting competencies to measure appointment metrics (Kumar & Mallikarjuna, 2022).It provides a centralized podium to handle personnel planning, tracking headcount, analyzing turnover, and predicting. In order to analyze workforce indicators, the system delivers actual-time analytics and reporting competencies. It also gives tailored perceptions to aid in data-obsessed decision-making.

Conclusively,  a talent management information system (TMIS) can considerably enhance an organization's talent management procedure, from recruitment to retention, through the purchase and/or update of a TMIS. The analysis of the XYZ Company's present talent management procedure identified both areas for development, such as the absence of centralized and automated mechanisms for talent management and various strengths. Workday Human Capital Management (HCM), the TMIS that is highly advised, provides a complete complement of talent management tools, comprising recruitment, onboarding, performance management, training and development, succession planning, retention, and workforce planning. Workday HCM enhances employee involvement, delivers actual-time analytics and reporting tools to assist data-ambitious decision-making, and offers a unified and comprehensible podium to accomplish all facets of talent management. Workday HCM will enable XYZ Business to overcome the shortcomings of its present talent management procedure and advance its objectives of luring, nurturing, and keeping outstanding people. Any firm must pay significantly for the purchase and update of a TMIS. However, the advantages of a cutting-edge, all-inclusive talent management system may outweigh the expenses in the long term.