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Educating learners is one of the vital roles that each nation should take seriously. There
are several techniques to educate learners; however, culturally responsive education has proved
critical in helping develop students into future leaders.
List one new thing you learned from the Podcast. Explain how this changes your thinking
as an educator
From the Podcast on culturally responsive education in Action in New America, it is vital
to indicate the learning methodology introduces a new learning method identified as responsive
teaching. Responsive learning, therefore, refers to setting clear goals and targets and having a
clear plan on how the needs of each student would be met accordingly (New America, 2021). For
instance, a student from the Podcast indicates that culturally responsive education has played a
critical value in her life, as she now feels that in school, there is someone who understands her
like it is at home. Culturally responsive education primarily changes my perception as an
educator as it helps me understand the key to the success of my students is knowing how to
address their issues.
Write down a post from the Podcast that stood out to you. Explain what this quote means
to you.
“As teachers, what we choose to teach and talk about matters, and it is our job to choose
topics and texts that reflect our students because they matter." The above quote indicates that as
teachers, we are responsible for the upbringing of students as they are the future leaders of our
Share a personal story related to one of the ideas or strategies discussed in the Podcast.
Would you change anything about your behaviours? What would you keep the same?

During my early years in the teaching role, I came across several students from diverse
cultures. At this time, teaching and understanding the student's needs were difficult as the
schools had not adopted a more robust teaching technique to help incorporate learners' cultures
into their curriculum (New America, 2021). If the school were to introduce a new system, such
as culturally responsive education, I would change my behaviour as a teacher and start helping
students understand more about their cultural values and their importance. Most importantly, the
only thing I would keep the same in changing the teaching curriculum is the level of discipline
for my students, as it is key to their success.

Research has proved that it is essential that nations prioritize the education of their
learners. Culturally responsive education is an important tool in achieving this goal. It not only
helps develop students academically but also equips them with the skills needed to become
successful and responsible members of society. By investing in culturally responsive education,
nations are investing in their future leaders and the overall success of their population.