Using the sources you found in the two previous activities, create a complete final draft of your annotated bibliography. Include the following: An APA (7th ed.) reference entry for each source. Ensure they are in alphabetical order by the author’s last name and that each entry uses hanging indentation and double spacing. A summary of each source underneath its reference entry. Include a sentence or two about how you might be able to use the source in your argumentative essay at the end of each summary. This paper should be a minimum of 3 pages, double spaced, and not including the title page. Attached find the previous paper with my 2 sources



The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Nurses

Mitchell, P. H. (2019). Nurses in the front lines of health care reform era. Nursing Outlook, 57(4), 180–182.

The first source I have selected is "Nurses on the front lines of healthcare reform" by Elizabeth Hanink, RN, which was published in the American Journal of Nursing in 2019. The article discusses how nurses are on the front lines of healthcare reform and how they are affected by it. It amplifies numerous issues affecting nurses. It also discusses how nurses can best prepare for and cope with the changes that healthcare reform will bring. The main points of the article are that nurses are on the front lines of healthcare reform and that they need to be prepared for the changes it will bring. The article concludes that nurses need to be prepared for the changes that healthcare reform will bring. It is supported by research and interviews with nurses. This source is useful to my topic because it discusses how nurses are affected by healthcare reform and how they can prepare for it. I would include this article in my research because it provides a valuable perspective on nurses and health care reform. The article is well-written and provides convincing arguments for why nurses are important in health care reform. Additionally, I could use this source to support an argument that nurses need to be prepared for the changes that healthcare reform will bring (Mitchell, 2019). Expected reforms include; increased access to healthcare, improved quality of care, lower costs, greater transparency, and increased accountability.

Cipriano, P. (2014). The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Nursing. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(3), 132-139.

This article discusses the impact of healthcare reform on nurses in the United States. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) are the two main pieces of legislation that make up healthcare reform, and the author discusses how these pieces of legislation will impact nurses. The first main point of the article is on how the ACA and PPACA will impact nurses in a number of ways, including an increase in the demand for nurses, an increase in the number of patients with insurance coverage, and an increase in the complexity of patient care. The second point discusses about how ACA and PPACA will also impact the nursing workforce, as more nurses will be needed to care for patients with insurance coverage (Cipriano, 2014). The third point discusses on how the impact of healthcare reform on nurses will be positive overall, as it will increase the demand for nurses and the number of patients with insurance coverage.

Myth or Truth: The Story Behind the Nursing Shortage. CEEOL - Article Detail.

The article, "Myth or Truth: The Story Behind the Nursing Shortage" provides an in-depth look at the current nursing shortage. The author discusses the reasons behind the shortage, as well as the possible solutions. The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of the issue. The article is well-written and provides a comprehensive overview of the issue. Additionally, the article discusses the nursing shortage and whether or not it is a myth. The author argues that the nursing shortage is real and is caused by a number of factors, including an aging population, an increase in the number of people with chronic conditions, and a decrease in the number of people entering the nursing profession. The author provides data to support her claims and argues that the nursing shortage is a real problem that needs to be addressed. I would include this article in my research because it provides a detailed discussion of the nursing shortage and its causes. The article also includes data to support the author's claims, which makes it a valuable resource for my research.

The conclusions reached in the article are that healthcare reform will have a positive overall impact on nurses in the United States. These conclusions are supported by data from the National Nurses United and the American Nurses Association. This source is useful for my topic because it discusses the impact of healthcare reform on nurses in the United States. This source is also relevant to my topic because it discusses how healthcare reform will impact the nursing workforce and the demand for nurses. I could use this source to support an argument that healthcare reform will have a positive impact on nurses in the United States. I could also use this source to support an argument that healthcare reform will increase the demand for nurses and the number of patients with insurance coverage.