Conduct a search for a scholarly article focused on organizational assimilation in healthcare. Complete a two-page analysis reviewing your chosen scholarly article. Your article should be a scholarly article (peer-reviewed) Identify the title and authors. Identify the organization. Describe the assimilation process. Utilize in -text citation This analysis should be a complete summation of your selected article. Include an introduction, body, conclusion Submit in APA format Minimal of two references (course text / selected article)


Organizational Assimilation In Healthcare


Hsia, T. L., Chiang, A. J., Wu, J. H., Teng, N. N., & Rubin, A. D. (2019). What drives E-
Health usage? Integrated institutional forces and top management
perspectives. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 260-270.


The article was authored by several authors, namely, Tzyh-Lih Hsia, An-Jen Chiang, Jen-
Her Wu, Nelson N. H. Teng, and Amir Dan Rubin. The article examines the factors contributing
to the successful adoption and use of e-health technologies in healthcare organizations. The
article provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that need to be considered to implement
e-health technologies in healthcare organizations successfully (Hsia et al., 2019).. The authors
conclude that a successful e-health implementation requires a coordinated effort from all
stakeholders, including healthcare institutions, top management, and users.


The article is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the different institutional
forces that affect e-health usage. The second part looks at how top management perspectives can
help to improve e-health usage. The article starts by looking at the different institutional forces
affecting e-health usage. These include government policies, industry standards, and the
competitive landscape (Hsia et al., 2019). The authors discuss how these forces can interact to
promote or hinder e-health usage. Next, the article looks at how top management perspectives
can help to improve e-health usage. The authors argue that by taking a strategic view of e-health,
managers can help to ensure that it is used more effectively. They also discuss how managers can
use e-health to improve organizational performance.


Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the factors affecting e-health
usage. It also offers insights into how managers can use e-health to improve organizational

Assimilation Process

The organizational assimilation process in the article is as follows:
a. The hospital's top management team should first identify the benefits of E-Health
adoption and usage (Hsia et al., 2019). E-Health can help improve patient care by
providing clinicians with easy access to patient medical records, allowing them to make
more informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment. E-Health can also help reduce
costs by automating administrative tasks and providing patients with self-service tools to
manage their health.
b. They should then develop a strategy for E-Health implementation that takes into account
the needs of all stakeholders. E-Health implementation requires a strategy that considers
all stakeholders' needs. All stakeholders must be considered when developing the strategy
to ensure that the E-Health initiative is successful.
c. Once the strategy is in place, the hospital should allocate resources to support E-Health
adoption and usage. Allocating resources accordingly includes ensuring that there is
enough staff trained in using E-Health applications and that there is adequate IT support
in place (Shabaya et al., 2020). Furthermore, it is also important to provide patients with
information about how to use E-Health applications and how they can benefit from them.
Hospitals can ensure that E-Health adoption and usage are successful by taking these


d. Finally, the hospital should monitor and evaluate the E-Health implementation process to
ensure that it is effective and achieves the desired results (Hsia et al., 2019). The hospital
should monitor and evaluate the E-Health implementation process to ensure that it is
effective and achieves the desired results. By monitoring the process, the hospital can
identify areas where the implementation is not meeting expectations and make necessary
adjustments (Shabaya et al., 2020). Additionally, by evaluating the implementation
results, the hospital can determine whether the E-Health initiative is having the desired
impact on patient care, safety, and satisfaction.

Overall, the article examines the organizational assimilation process of e-health usage from
the perspective of integrated institutional forces and top management. The authors find three
main drivers of e-health usage: top management support, organizational culture, and
technical capabilities. Top management support is the most important driver, followed by
organizational culture and technical capabilities. The authors conclude that the organizational
assimilation process of e-health usage is a complex and dynamic process driven by multiple