
Instructions: In this course, we look at a verity of different interview techniques and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into properly conducting interviews. For this paper, you will pick a course related topic to discuss, but one that is not a specific topic addressed in our readings. Be creative! I do not want you to reiterate the readings, but choose a topic and expand on it. Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject. The goal is a brief but detailed exploration of some narrowly defined aspect of Interviewing Practices. Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro′s and Con′s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic? Research papers are generally divided into two main categories: informative or argumentative. Informative papers generally demonstrate your understanding of a subject, simply reflecting what information is out there. Or you can choose to write an argumentative paper. You could information, offering commentary and opinions though taking no clear position, or you may offer a solution to a problem or argue that a law is having an unwanted effect. The more specific you can be the better, and feel free to include examples that will strengthen your account. OUTLINE IS A ATTACHED


Training and Development- Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of training and development in human resource.

In human resource management, training and development refers to enhancing workers' abilities and knowledge through planned and organized exercises and courses. Businesses that invest in training and development are better able to compete in today's economy. It aids businesses in being more effective, more productive, and more competitive. Examples of training and development activities are on-the-job instruction, mentorship, seminars, coaching, conferences, workshops, job rotation, and online courses. It also entails ensuring workers have many opportunities to advance in their careers and learning and growing as a team is always a priority.

  1. The essence of training and development in human resource and to the organization.

Human resource training and development is crucial for any business that wants to stay up with the dynamic nature of the modern workforce and provide its workers with the expertise they need to succeed. Training and development programs assist workers in learning new abilities and remaining abreast of developments in their sector. Employees are more likely to feel appreciated and committed to the company if they have a positive work environment. Businesses may boost productivity and efficiency by investing in their workers' professional growth. Employees are less likely to leave and more likely to stay with a company after receiving training and development, which in turn benefits both the company and its customers. In sum, both the individual and the company benefit from training and development programs.

  1. Thesis- The history, theories, programs, benefits and disadvantages of training and development in human resource.


In the early 20th century, firms recognized the value of investing in their workers' education and growth to boost performance and productivity. It marked the beginning of the field of human resource training and development. New factory jobs sprang up due to the industrial revolution, and a need for skilled workers came with them. Due to this need, apprenticeship programs were developed to train future workers in specialized trades. In order to increase worker output, scientific management was used in the early 1900s, and with it came the creation of job-specific training programs.


Human resource training and development have always been predicated on the idea that employees' performance may be enhanced via proper instruction. The emphasis of this method was on the teacher imparting their expertise to the learner. Human Resource Development (HRD) theory subsequently claimed that training should instead be centered on the requirements of the company and the employee.

Programs: First, there's "on-the-job training," in which a new hire is paired with a more seasoned employee to learn the ropes while doing actual work. Off-the-Job Training 2: When workers participate in off-the-employment training, they take time away from their usual duties to participate in a classroom or other kind of formal education unrelated to their job. The third strategy is coaching and mentoring, in which more seasoned personnel help guide and instruct others just starting in the company. Employees that have been cross-trained can do a wider variety of duties within their current position. Worker knowledge and abilities may be improved via job rotation, in which workers take on various new responsibilities.

Benefits: First, training and development programs may boost productivity by making workers more equipped to do their jobs. Employees who have received training and development are more likely to remain in their current positions because they are more invested in themselves and their careers. Thirdly, training and development may boost job satisfaction by making workers feel more capable and confident. Employees who have received training and development from their employers report higher levels of job satisfaction. As a result of training and development, workers can better adapt to changes in their workload and take on additional duties.

Disadvantages: 1 - The initial investment and ongoing upkeep of training and development programs may be substantial. Second, many workers do not have the time to dedicate to training and development programs. Uninterested or unmotivated workers may push back against training and development opportunities. Fourthly, inefficiency might arise when training and development programs aren't adapted to the specific demands of the workforce. Challenges with training and development programs may arise from a lack of time, money, or other resources, which brings us to point five: implementation.

  1. Body
  2. The history of training and development in human resource (Torraco, 2016)
  3. The start of training and development in America during and after the period of world War II.

Needing to rapidly educate and prepare the military and civilian populations for the war effort prompted the United States to begin training and development during and after World War II. Establishing the Army and Navy Training Schools in 1942 marked the beginning of the United States government's construction of institutional training and development facilities (Torraco, 2016). As a result, in 1943, the War Manpower Commission and the Office of Education were created to provide the groundwork for military and civilian training. In 1935, the National Youth Administration was established to provide training and development opportunities to American college students. According to Torraco (2016), the United States government continued to engage in training and development after World War II ended, culminating in the passage of the GI Bill in 1944. The knowledge economy emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, and the increase of the middle class in the 1950s and 1960s mirrored this engagement in training and development. The expansion of education and research in the United States during and after World War II established the basis for the country's current prosperous economy.

  1. The commencement of structures for training which included classroom training and on job training.

In-class instruction is an efficient means of giving workers the information and practice they need to do their jobs well. It is a teaching method wherein content is conveyed to students in a structured classroom environment, often with the aid of an instructor. When it comes to teaching workers how to do their jobs, nothing beats OJT. An apprentice learns on the job by carrying out specific activities under the supervision of a more seasoned worker.

  1. The beginning of employee training.

The first step in training a new employee is sharing the company's vision and values. After that, you should talk to the employee about their specific duties and what you expect from them. Then, the training should give the tools for workers to acquire the information and abilities necessary to do the job. Lastly, the training has to go through important regulations and processes to make the workplace secure and productive.

  1. The theories of training and development in human resource (Francis, 2018)
  2. The theory of reinforcement- The emphasis of the theory on training and development measures that should be set in accordance to the organizational goals and objectives with an expectation of positive results.

The primary tenet of this theory is that rewards and incentives may be used to motivate workers to improve their productivity and conduct (Francis, 2018). One way to achieve this goal is to show gratitude for and provide feedback to workers. According to this notion, improving an organization's performance may be accomplished through rewarding good conduct and increasing production. The theory also recommends that reinforcement be given in a specific way to each employee. It implies that incentives should be adjusted based on how well they play to the individual's strengths and address their flaws to enhance performance and growth.

  1. The theory of learning types – The emphasis of the of the theory on gaining knowledge on intellectual skills

According to this hypothesis, varied people have different optimal learning environments, and different learning styles may be used to accommodate these differences. This idea has benefited from educational program design, curriculum creation, and lesson evaluation.

  1. Experiential learning theory- The implication of the theory on how the desires and needs of a learner are dealt with through experiential learning.

The key tenets of experiential learning are that learning is a dynamic process and that experience is the primary source of learning. It implies that learners' wants and needs are best met via experiential learning. Instead of just being spoon-fed knowledge, students should be actively engaged in the learning process. Students acquire the know-how they'll need for future success via discovery, experimentation, and calculated risk-taking (Francis, 2018). According to this hypothesis, students will learn more from an event if it has personal significance. Therefore, it is important to encourage students to participate in real-world activities that are relevant to them as individuals. In addition, the student needs direction and materials to participate actively in the activity. According to this view, education is a never-ending process that benefits from students' constant introspection and growth as they draw from past experiences. As a result, individuals can better draw insights from various sources, deepen their understanding, and apply their knowledge to novel circumstances. When the learning process is complete, the student should be able to reflect on and discuss their experiences with others.

  1. Social learning theory- the elements of learning obtained by a learner through their surroundings.

It is a school of thought that holds that knowledge from one's surroundings and other people is crucial to one's development. People learn from one another in various ways, and this theory examines these processes, which might include observation, imitation, and modeling. One of the most important ideas in psychology is the social learning theory, which proposes that individuals may pick up new skills and habits simply by seeing and copying others around them.

  1. Different programs of training and development in human resource (Toppr, n.d.).
  2. On-the-job training

OJT refers to training that occurs in a real-world work setting and uses the same tools, equipment, documents, and materials that learners will be expected to use after completing their training. Several methods exist for providing structured on-the-job training, including coaching, apprenticeships, work shadowing, trainee programs, and mentoring (Toppr, n.d.). The trainee may get experience in a setting similar to the one they will be working in after graduating. Because it takes less time and materials to set up an OJT program, it is often cheaper than a traditional classroom-based training program. Both the company and the learner benefit from on-the-job training. This way, the student and the company may benefit from the training program, as the latter can get individualized instruction while the former gain practical experience. The learner may experiment in a risk-free setting and gain valuable experience. Finally, OJT aids in making sure the trainee is prepared to take on the job duties.

  1. Off- the-job training

To put it simply, "off-the-job training" is an instruction that does not occur in the context of actual employment. Educators use this method to impart information to their students in a formal setting. Seminars, conferences, workshops, role-playing, simulations, and mentoring programs are all examples of off-the-job training.

  1. Benefits of training and development (LMS, 2021)
  2. Enhanced engagement and job satisfaction among employees

There are several ways workers' workplace engagement and happiness may be improved via training and development opportunities. First, investing in an employee's growth and development may help them acquire the skills they need to be more effective in their roles, which can boost productivity and happiness at work. And second, workers who take part in training and development programs often report increased motivation and satisfaction with their jobs (LMS, 2021). Employee enthusiasm and dedication may be boosted when workers access information on the newest developments in their field. Employees' work happiness might rise due to the connections they forge via training and development with their supervisors and peers.

  1. Improvement of employee morale and motivation

Employee morale and motivation may be boosted via training and development programs. As a result, workers can acquire new abilities and expand their understanding of their jobs. It gives individuals a feeling of mastery over their work and pride in their achievements. According to LMS (2021), training and development also give workers a chance to rise in the ranks and be noticed for their efforts. Employee morale and motivation are boosted when they see their efforts recognized in this way. Offering employees chances to learn and grow inside the company is a great way to boost morale and motivation since it makes them feel like they matter to the business.

  1. Increase of employee knowledge leading to growth and success of an organization.

When it comes to progress and expansion, training and development are vital. Organizations may help their workers thrive in today's competitive business environment by investing in their education and professional development. Employees may improve their effectiveness and output and grasp their roles and responsibilities via training and development programs. These efforts may result in improvements in customer happiness, retention, and productivity. Staff morale may be raised via growth and training by making workers feel like they are contributing to something bigger. Creating new goods and services is another positive outcome of employee training and development investment. In the long run, training and development contribute to a more informed and experienced staff, which boosts business results.

  1. Improved retention in employees in a company

Employee retention may be greatly boosted by investing in their training and development. Employees that have had the opportunity to learn and grow have shown to be more inventive, creative, and productive in the workplace. Increased job satisfaction is one of training and development's many benefits since it makes workers feel more confident in their responsibilities. Increased dedication and loyalty from workers is another benefit of investing in their professional growth and development. Workers are more likely to remain with a firm that invests in their development; thus, giving them opportunities to learn and develop their abilities may assist in minimizing turnover and boosting employee retention.

  1. Disadvantages of training and development (LMS, 2021)
  2. High expenditure associated with the training and development process

Training and development are essential to any business, as it helps ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently. However, it can be costly, requiring significant financial investment from the organization. Training and development expenses include the wages of instructors, the time they devote to their students, and the price of training resources like textbooks, handouts, and software (LMS, 2021). Providing workers with chances for further education and career advancement may be costly for businesses, as can covering employees' travel and housing costs during training. Considering the high price tag that comes with training and development, businesses need to be sure they are getting their money's worth.

  1. Training and development schedules outside of working hours.

It might be challenging to guarantee that all workers have the time to engage in training and development if it is scheduled outside business hours. In addition, if workers feel they would have to sacrifice personal time to complete training, they may be less motivated to do so. It may lower morale and decrease participation in the training, which can prevent the intended productivity gains from taking place. If the training takes place outside of regular business hours, the company may have to foot the bill. Overall, it may be challenging to guarantee that all workers can attend training and development outside of working hours, which can be expensive for the business.

  1. Inferior training leading to inferior work.

One potential drawback of growth and training is that it may result in subpar performance. Work quality might decline if workers are provided insufficient training materials or not given enough time to master a new skill. Employees who have not received enough training may struggle to carry out their responsibilities, resulting in poorer productivity and worse customer service. Employees' lack of confidence, which might impair their performance, is another effect of inadequate training. Inadequate training may negatively impact a company's bottom line since it might lead to lower-quality work.

  • Conclusion
  1. The importance of training and development in human resource and its significance in an organization.

Human resource training and development are essential to every company's long-term viability. Training provides workers with the information they need to do their jobs well, while development helps them hone the skills they already have. Because of the positive effects on morale, work satisfaction, and motivation, as well as production, this is crucial for every business. A competitive edge may be built via the recruitment and retention of top personnel, both facilitated by well-trained and developed staff. It also can boost productivity inside a company and lower attrition rates. The ability of a business to remain competitive in its industry is directly tied to the quality of its personnel, and training and development programs offer an excellent venue for employees to improve their existing abilities and learn new ones.






Francis, A. (2018, January 6). Four major theories of training and development. MBA Knowledge Base.

LMS, E. (2021, September 24). 4 advantages & disadvantages of employee training. Online LMS: award winning platform 2022 | Easy LMS.

Toppr. (n.d.). Training and Development. toppr.

Torraco, R. J. (2016). Early history of the fields of practice of training and development and organization development. Advances in Developing Human Resources18(4), 439-453.