
1. Briefly describe yourself and why you want to become a nurse. 2.what unique qualities or experiences do you possess that set yoy apart 3.Describe a time you experienced frustration and what you learned. Im nothing special when it comes to circumstances and I′m running out of time. Is this a doable project? Im 22, a twin, long term relationship with my boyfriend, I work as a server in a restaurant. Genuine, fun, compassionate, loyal.


Being A Nurse

Prompt 1

A few years ago, my cousin got involved in a fatal road accident and was seriously injured. The nurses who attended to him were very passionate. They worked as a team and showed genuine care. The nurses also established a strong yet professional nurse-patient relationship with my cousin, and that helped him recover quickly. The few times I visited him at the hospital, I got inspired by the nurse’s ability to show empathy and offer quality care to their patients. They made their patients feel at ease and comfortable. I would rejoice and feel honored to have the opportunity to help other families and patients who need a kind and committed caretaker on their side.

Additionally, I have always admired human connection and nursing offers me the opportunity to offer help to those in need and create meaningful relationships with colleagues. Nurses always work as a team. They often share their workloads and collaborate to develop a treatment plan or diagnosis that is individual to a patient. I find that environment of working in a team to help other very intriguing and satisfying. I also want to be part of the solution, but most importantly, I am that person who can be relied upon to deliver even in the most demanding and stressing circumstances like nursing.

Prompt 2

I do not consider myself special, but I believe in my unique qualities, which sets me apart from the rest. I am loyal, honest, genuine, and compassionate. These qualities are my greatest strengths and have enabled me to bring happiness to other people’s lives. It doesn’t hurt to be honest, and truthful. Being genuine and honest allows me to worry less and feel proud. When I show compassion towards others, I get a sense of honor and integrity, which gives me the energy to carry on and become the best version of myself. I also believe that I am humble and do not praise myself. Humility is a virtue I have cherished all my life, and I intend to keep it that way till the end.

On the other hand, I have other qualities that differentiate me from others, especially in a work environment. I am a go-getter and always endeavor to achieve every set goal. Secondly, I take calculated risks, especially when the gain is high. I do not settle for less. I am patient and understand that success does not come overnight. Therefore, I always commit to my goals, and I don’t believe anything can come between me and my success – I have that intrinsic desire for excellence and greatness.

Prompt 3

I was working at a bookstore on Christmas of last year, and we had so many customers buying books as gifts. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to wrap the gift and requested the customers to do it themselves. So, a customer got very angry when I told him to wrap the gift, and he even threw some harsh insults at me. I was deeply furious, but I gathered myself and politely told the customer that we couldn’t offer gift wrapping at the moment because that would take much time, and others were waiting in line. Surprisingly, he calmed down, understood the situation, and was happy to wrap the gift himself.

The scenario of the angry customer was a learning experience for me. It taught me an important life lesson: always remain calm in moments of anger and frustration. I learned that it’s important always to control my thoughts alone and gauge my words when I am with others. If I had shouted at him, I would probably have made the situation worse or could have even lost my job. In moments of frustration, one cannot afford to bring their personal issues into the ‘mix’ because that would escalate the problem. Of course, I had my own issues but I couldn’t be arrogant to the customer. It’s not in me. Therefore, always being positive, calm, and composed, even in the face of adversity, is key to success in any career.