Argumentative Essay Length: no less than 1,300 words of text (not including the Reference List), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font size, one-inch margins In addition to your own thoughts, words, and ideas, this essay is to include TWO credible and reliable secondary sources. The first person ″I″ is not used in a formal essay. Case Assignment For this assignment, you will write an organized and well-supported Argumentative Essay using one of the topics listed below. You will be most successful writing on a topic that is of interest to you. The best ideas are topical; they are what people are talking about today. And remember that your thesis should be debatable; in other words, there has to be at least two sides to an issue for it to be considered argumentative. A well-organized essay has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the main point of view on the selected topic. A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph. The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 4 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English. This essay must include a combination of no less than SIX in-text citations from two or more credible and reliable sources. Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author′s name, and a Reference List in APA Style must be included. USA’s reliance on other countries for products, resources, etc. paternity leave school, workplace, and/or safety in public wellness/mental health the challenges facing children and youth today Assignment Expectations Write an Argumentative Essay (no less than 1,300 words in length) that states an original thesis statement and includes no fewer than six citations in APA Style from two credible and reliable sources. Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose. Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay using secondary sources.


USA's Reliance on Other Countries for Products, Resources
The globalized world we live in has interconnected nations actually fostering trade and
economic cooperation on an unprecedented scale. The United States has greatly benefited from
this interconnectedness however with such benefits comes a significant reliance on other
countries for basically various products and resources. This reliance has actually sparked an
ongoing debate about the implications it carries for the United States. Critics basically argue that
this dependence poses risks and vulnerabilities thus leaving the country exposed to supply chain
disruptions and geopolitical tensions. This argumentative essay actually aims to explore the
USA's reliance on other countries for products, resources and more. So actually by analyzing the
economic, security and technological aspects as well as considering empirical evidence, this
essay will provide a comprehensive argument regarding basically the advantages and challenges
of self-reliance.

USA's Reliance on Other Countries for Products and Resources
The United States has basically become increasingly reliant on other countries for a wide
range of products and resources. This reliance is evident in various sectors actually including
manufacturing, technology and energy. While globalization and international trade have
basically opened up new opportunities for economic growth and efficiency, the USA's
dependence on foreign sources raises serious concerns about its economic stability and national
One significant consequence of this reliance is the impact on the country's trade deficits.
The importation of goods from other countries often actually exceeds the value of exports thus
leading to a trade deficit. According to Queiroz and Wamba (2019), this trade deficit can weaken
the US economy and basically affect job growth. The persistent trade deficit indicates that the

United States is basically consuming more goods from abroad than it is producing domestically
which raises some concerns. This actually makes the industries within the country struggle to
compete and leads to job losses and the erosion of domestic manufacturing capabilities.
The reliance on other countries for critical resources furthermore presents a risk to national
security and actually economic stability. Hayes and McCullough (2018) give emphasis to the
importance of critical minerals which are seriously essential for various industries including
defense, electronics and renewable energy. The United States heavily relies on imports of these
critical minerals actually leaving it vulnerable to supply chain disruptions and potential shortages
(Hayes & McCullough, 2018). Geopolitical tensions or trade disputes with supplier countries can
basically result in the interruption of vital resources hence adversely affecting the functioning of
critical sectors of the US economy.
So the supply chain disruptions as basically highlighted by Queiroz and Wamba (2019),
pose another significant risk associated with reliance on other countries. The various pandemic
served as a wake-up call actually revealing the vulnerabilities in global supply chains. The
United States did face shortages of essential medical supplies and pharmaceuticals due to heavy
dependence on foreign production. In times of such crisis or global conflicts, the vulnerabilities
could have severe consequences for national security and even public welfare.

The Benefits of Self-Reliance

While actually, the reliance on other countries for products and resources has its
drawbacks, proponents of self-reliance pose arguments and argue that there are significant
benefits to be gained by producing goods domestically. These benefits extend beyond economic
considerations and basically encompass areas such as job creation, national security, and
technological advancement. One of the primary advantages of self-reliance is basically the

potential for job creation and economic growth. Domestic production actually stimulates local
industries thus leading to increased employment opportunities. Oviatt and McDougall (2018)
note that fostering domestic entrepreneurship and innovation can actually contribute to economic
expansion and reduce unemployment rates thus by shifting the focus from import-dependent
consumption to domestic production, the United States can create a more resilient and
independent sustainable economy.
Enhanced national security is another key benefit of self-reliance as outlined by research
from Karim and Mitchell (2017) that gives emphasis and highlights the importance of
maintaining control over critical resources and infrastructure for strategic purposes. They say
that relying heavily on other countries for essential goods can actually leave the United States
vulnerable to disruptions caused by political tensions or conflicts so basically by prioritizing self-
sufficiency, the country can reduce its exposure to potential supply chain vulnerabilities and
actually safeguard its national security interests.
Self-reliance moreover fosters technological advancement and innovation. So actually
producing goods domestically makes the United States encourage research and development thus
leading to technological breakthroughs and actually increased competitiveness in global markets.
Domestic industries have also the opportunity to invest in cutting-edge technologies and improve
production processes while also drive in innovation (Oviatt & McDougall, 2018). This
technological advancement not only benefits the country's economic growth but also actually
contributes to its overall competitiveness and standing on the global stage.
Challenges and Obstacles to Achieving Self-Reliance

Some several challenges and obstacles actually hinder the achievement of this goal for the
United States. One of the serious challenges to self-reliance is cost considerations and global

price competition. Domestic production actually may often be more expensive than importing
goods from countries with lower labor and production costs. This cost differential can basically
make it challenging for domestic industries to compete in the global market. The study by Oviatt
and McDougall (2018) still goes on to emphasize the importance of cost competitiveness for
international entrepreneurship and success such that by lowering production costs and improving
efficiency it is crucial to enable domestic industries to compete with foreign counterparts.
Lack of infrastructure and skilled labor additionally presents a significant obstacle to
achieving self-reliance. Building and maintaining robust infrastructure such as transportation
networks and manufacturing facilities actually require substantial investments. So without
adequate infrastructure, it actually becomes difficult for domestic industries to scale up
production and meet the demands of a self-reliant economy. Shortage of skilled labor
furthermore hinders the growth and competitiveness of domestic industries. The development of
a skilled workforce is crucial for enhancing productivity and innovation, as basically noted by
Oviatt and McDougall (2018).
International trade agreements and policies also basically play a role in the challenges of
self-reliance. While free trade agreements promote open markets and global integration, they can
also actually make it easier and more cost-effective to import goods from other countries. The
study by Karim and Mitchell (2017) basically discusses the path-dependent nature of resource
acquisition and organizational capabilities. Protectionist policies on the other hand may restrict
imports but can potentially lead to retaliatory actions and trade conflicts. So actually balancing
the benefits of free trade with the need for self-reliance requires careful policy considerations and
strategic decision-making.

Case Studies and Empirical Evidence

Empirical studies basically provide valuable insights into the challenges and implications
of the USA's reliance on other countries for products and resources. Two notable studies that
shed light on this topic are the investigation of blockchain adoption in the supply chain by
Queiroz and Wamba and the review of critical minerals and resource trends by Hayes and
The findings from these empirical studies actually support the argument that the USA's
reliance on other countries for products and resources poses significant risks and challenges. The
investigation by Queiroz and Wamba highlights the need for improved supply chain security to
mitigate vulnerabilities. So basically implementing technologies like blockchain can enhance
transparency, traceability, and even resilience in the supply chain thus reducing dependence on
external sources and minimizing risks. The review by Hayes and McCullough additionally
underscores the importance of critical minerals and the potential consequences of actually
relying heavily on imports. This empirical evidence basically emphasizes the urgency of
promoting domestic production and resource development to safeguard national security and
reduce vulnerabilities so as to ensure a stable supply of essential resources.
Ultimately, the United States' reliance on other countries for products and resources
actually brings both opportunities and challenges. While globalization has basically driven
economic growth, this dependence raises concerns about stability and national security. Actually
Pursuing self-reliance offers benefits such as job creation, economic growth, and enhanced
national security thus however achieving self-reliance is basically hindered by cost
considerations, lack of infrastructure and skilled labor, trade agreements, and actual
technological limitations. Balancing international trade and self-sufficiency is crucial so actually
nurturing domestic industries, investing in infrastructure and technology, and addressing

challenges, the United States can basically create a resilient and secure future. Striking this
balance between cooperation and self-reliance will actually and seriously shape the