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Gun Control in the City of Arizona and the Nation

Gun Control in the City of Arizona and the Nation

It is vital to define "gun control," which refers to the laws and regulations passed by legislators that govern the sorts of weapons that may be purchased, sold, possessed, who can purchase them, and how they can be used. It is possible that certain individuals, including those with criminal histories, minors, drug abusers, undocumented immigrants, and dishonorably discharged veterans, should not be permitted to possess firearms. Sadly, most of these individuals are gun owners, and the government cannot stop the problem. Gun regulation has become an increasingly pressing problem in today's society. Accordingly, this paper discusses the effect of gun control in the city of Phoenix in the State of Arizona and the nation at large.

The city of Phoenix has seen a rise in gun violence in recent years. Gun violence is a public health issue because it can lead to physical and mental health problems for those affected. It can also cause economic problems for the city, as gun-related crimes cost the city millions of dollars each year (Katz et al., 2021). The city of Phoenix is working to address gun violence as a public health issue by funding programs that provide counseling and support to those affected by gun violence and working with law enforcement to crack down on gun-related crimes. The city of Phoenix has several gun control programs in place. These programs are designed to help keep guns out of criminals’ hands and make it more difficult for them to obtain firearms. Some of the programs include:

1.         The Phoenix Gun Dealer Licensing Program: This program requires gun dealers to obtain a city license to operate.

2.         The Phoenix Gun Owner Licensing Program: This program requires gun owners to obtain a license from the city to possess a firearm.

3.         The Phoenix Gun Storage Ordinance: This ordinance requires gun owners to store their firearms in a locked container when they are not in use.

4.         The Phoenix Gun Transfer Ordinance: This ordinance requires gun owners to conduct background checks on individuals to whom they intend to transfer firearms.

Effectiveness of Gun Control Programs in the City of Phoenix

Gun control advocates have long claimed that stricter gun laws are necessary due to the rising number of fatalities caused by firearms in the United States. These people believe that reducing gun availability will help lower crime rates and save lives (AlQahtani et al., 2021).  However, some who disagree with advocates for stricter gun control claim that such measures would be disastrous. This is not only a problem in Phoenix but throughout the nation.

A comprehensive ban on assault weapons would also be an important step in reducing gun violence in the US. The United States Congress enacted a ban on assault weapon production for civilian use on September 13th, 1994. Ten years later, however, the statute would have expired and never been re-enacted. There has not been a national ban on the manufacture of assault weapons in the United States since 2004. Because of this, crime rates have skyrocketed, with mass shootings being the most visible manifestation of gun violence (Yousaf et al., 2021). There is a chance that gun-related crime and gun control in the general population might be improved by passing a bill comparable to the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994 (Post et al., 2021). Having many constitutional provisions that address gun control would result in a rather quick and effective time in which America is free of weapons. This would also aid in keeping track of the list of persons permitted to have guns and the circumstances in which they may use those guns.

Overall, gun control is a difficult topic with no simple solution. There are many ways of looking at something, and they are all valid in their way. Each person has to examine the advantages and drawbacks on their own before deciding whether or not they favor gun control legislation.




AlQahtani, M., Abdulrahman, A., Almadani, A., Alali, S. Y., Al Zamrooni, A. M., Hejab, A. H., ... & Abduljalil, M. (2021). Randomized controlled trial of convalescent plasma therapy against standard therapy in patients with severe COVID-19 disease. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-8.

Katz, C. M., Flippin, M., Huff, J., King, W., & Ellefritz, J. (2021). Evaluation of the Phoenix Crime Gun Intelligence Center. CrimRxiv.

Post, L., Mason, M., Singh, L. N., Wleklinski, N. P., Moss, C. B., Mohamm

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