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How the Horror TV Series American Horror Story and the Walking Dead


This research paper aims to examine how the horror TV series American Horror Story and The Walking Dead challenge and reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations. Through character and plot analysis, this paper will explore how each series uses horror to challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations. This paper will also compare the portrayal of gender roles and expectations in each series and discuss the implications for the role of horror in media and society. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the portrayal of gender roles and expectations in horror media and how it reflects and influences societal expectations.




The horror genre has long played a significant role in media, offering audiences a way to confront their fears and explore taboo topics in a safe, fictional setting. Two popular horror TV series that have gained widespread attention in recent years are American Horror Story and The Walking Dead. Both series have garnered a large fan base and impacted the horror genre and society. This research paper examines how American Horror Story and The Walking Dead challenge and reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations through their portrayal of horror. The paper will analyze the characters and plot of both series to understand how they challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations. We will also compare the portrayal of gender roles and expectations in each series and discuss the implications for the role of horror in media and society. The portrayal of horror in the American Horror Story and The Walking Dead TV series challenges traditional gender roles and expectations through the representation of strong and complex female characters and the subversion of traditional gender power dynamics.

Background and Context

Traditional gender roles and expectations refer to the societal expectations and norms associated with being a man or woman (Shnabel 14). These expectations can vary by culture and can be influenced by factors such as religion, social class, and ethnicity. However, in general, traditional gender roles and expectations tend to emphasize certain characteristics and behaviors as being more appropriate for men or women. For example, men are often expected to be strong, rational, and assertive, while women are expected to be emotional, caring, and nurturing.

The horror genre has a long history in media, with roots dating back to ancient mythology and folklore. Horror has often been used to explore and confront societal fears and anxieties related to gender. In recent years, horror has become increasingly popular on television, with shows such as American Horror Story and The Walking Dead becoming major hits.

American Horror Story and The Walking Dead use horror to challenge and explore traditional gender roles and expectations. This research paper aims to examine how these two series use horror to challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations, as well as compare and discuss the portrayal of gender roles and expectations in each series. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the role of horror in media and society and how it reflects and influences societal expectations.

American Horror Story

American Horror Story (AHS) is an anthology horror series aired on FX since 2011. Each season of AHS tells a self-contained story with a new setting and cast of characters, ranging from a haunted house to a witch coven to a psychiatric hospital. AHS has gained a reputation for its diverse and complex characters and for tackling taboo subjects such as mental illness, addiction, and sexual assault.

AHS portrays gender roles and expectations through its characters and plot in various ways. On the one hand, AHS includes several strong female characters who challenge traditional gender roles and expectations. For example, the character of Cordelia Foxx in the season “Coven” is the leader of a group of witches. It defies traditional gender roles by being a powerful and assertive woman (Lopes 116). The character of Misty Day in the season “Coven” is also a strong and independent woman who defies traditional gender roles by rejecting societal expectations of femininity and embracing her unique identity.

However, AHS also includes characters that reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations, particularly through gender stereotypes and gender-based violence. For example, the character of Kit Walker in the season “Asylum” is a man who is portrayed as weak and vulnerable, reinforcing traditional gender roles that expect men to be strong and dominant (Earle 11). The character of Lana Winters in the season “Asylum” is also

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