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The Role of Arts in The Education of Creative Arts Therapists

The Role of Arts in The Education of Creative Arts Therapists

Currently, it is difficult to separate creativity and education. Since teachers and psychologists recognize creative thinking as an important tool in education, education and creativity are regarded as complements. Arts remains an important resource that has helped learners merge literal expression with learning in the classroom. This essay analysis’s role of arts, what it means, its importance for psychological and educational purposes, which then makes it easy to comprehend why it should be strengthened in the education system. Although a recent discipline, it is rapidly evolving, giving it different definitions over time. The attention on the intention to have art therapy spread in a learning environment such as classrooms is also changing rapidly due to its importance. One can engage in various creative activities, including; sketching, journaling, and making collages. Art therapy deserves a sizable space in the education system as it helps learners get a safer outlet to relieve emotions, build stronger self-esteem and develop a sense of self-control over emotions.

Art therapy is literally using art in psychological therapy. However, there are two major universal definitions of art therapy that make it acceptable within the academic environment. The first definition is from the Spanish professional association of art therapists, where art therapy is used for caregiving, solving emotional and psychological challenges, and promoting expression. The second definition is given by the British Association of Arts Therapists, which considers art therapy to be a type of psychotherapy that utilizes various artistic techniques to aid patients in their communication (Kalmanowitz et al., 124). Based on the two major definitions, art therapy is regarded as a tool for expression, an important tool for mental healthcare as well as an education tool. To accomplish the same, there is a need to intersect education, the practice of art, and expression through a comprehensive education system.

Learners do not have to be talented artists to find art therapy working out. Humans being innately creative should, can benefit from the same by successfully completing the artwork honestly as instructed. According to Sajnani and others, “It depends on the extent to which the participants in any particular community of inquiry are able to construct meaning through sustained communication” (Sajnani et al. 17). Once the creativity of a learner is unleashed, their inner artist is likely to work out as expected. Creative arts stimulate the creation of dopamine, a chemical that is produced when one does something pleasurable and it makes them feel better (Bianca Lee, 204). When the level of feeling good is increased, one can easily succeed in handling depression and anxiety. As supported by mental health professionals, art therapy comes with a series of benefits, including; boosting self-esteem, emotional relief, and giving a sense of control over the emotional and psychological challenges one goes through. During art creation, learners are trained through a journey of self-recovery that helps to get rid of things that affects one’s emotion while improving their ability to communicate effectively with others.  

With its foundation in psychology, art therapy remains a useful tool that helps learners with mental and emotional challenges such as stress and trauma. Although the artistic expression is sometimes used as a relaxing and inspiring activity, its benefits stretch beyond relaxation, especially in the educational context. Various studies in the past have suggested that art therapy is essential in treating depressive disorders. According to Gambrel, artistic expression is effective in managing issues such as anxiety, depression, and phobias (Gambrel et al., 87). It is an effective way of expressing one’s emotions without using words to find relief from a condition.

 In some cases, it helps deal with issues of physical disabilities. Usually, health conditions that hinder verbal communication and other cognitive processes are mitigated through the integration of therapy into the educational experience. The objective of art therapy in education is to ensure all students can learn effectively by managing their behaviors and feelings. Creative art activities ensure one is engaged in what they find interesting and bearable for them. According to Sajnani and others, “Arts supports cognitive objectives through its ability to instigate and support critical thinking among community of learners” (Sajnani et al. 19). Therefore, engaging learners in various artistic activities will be possible to engage them through practical and real-life skills.

Artistic expression promotes self-discovery: Learners are encouraged to acknowledge

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