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Trust vs Mistrust applied selfAutonomy vs Shame applied to selfInitiative vs Guild applied to selfIndustry vs Inferiority applied to selfIdentity vs Role Confusion applied to selfIntimacy vs Isolation applied to selfGenerativity vs Stagnation applied to selfIntegrity vs Despair applied to selfGrammar, spelling, and sentence structureMLA Formatting and Length(Minimum 500 words)Using Erickson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development, interpret your personality and evaluate your personality development. View yourself through the eyes of Erickson’s Theory and summarize how Erickson would explain your personality. Be sure to give personal examples for each stage.(Autonomy Verses Shame and Doubt – my mother used to let me pick my own outfits on Saturdays) Erickson’s stages can be found in your text. To further research googling Erickson’s psychosocial stages of development will give you thousands of hits. Even though you may not be at the later stages of Erickson’s theory, please. You can get this answer and other essay writing services at cluewriters.com at affordable prices.


 Essay Writing Services: Reflection Paper on Erikson’s Stages of Development

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development is a theory that describes eight different stages that a person must go through in their lifetime. The first stage is trust vs. mistrust which occurs from birth to around one year old. The second stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt which occurs from around one to three years old. The third stage is initiative vs. guilt which occurs from around three to five years old. (Essay Writing Services). The fourth stage is industry vs. inferiority which occurs from around six to eleven years old. The fifth stage is identity vs. role confusion which occurs from around twelve to eighteen years old. The sixth stage is intimacy vs. isolation which occurs from around eighteen to twenty-five years old. The seventh stage is generativity vs. stagnation which occurs from around twenty-five to sixty-five years old. The eighth and final stage is integrity vs. despair which occurs from around sixty-five years old until death.


I would say that my personality is more trust vs. mistrust. I have always been a very trusting person and I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I have always been very gullible and I have been taken advantage of because of it. I am also very trusting of authority figures and I tend to follow instructions without question. I think that this stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am always willing to help others and I am very easy to get along with. However, I do think that it has also made me a target for people who want to take advantage of me (Essay Writing Services).


The second stage of development is autonomy vs. shame and doubt according to Erick Erickson Stages of Development. This stage occurs from around one to three years old. This is the stage where children start to develop a sense of self and they begin to explore their surroundings. (Essay Writing Services) They also start to develop a sense of independence and they begin to assert themselves. This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very independent and I am not afraid to take risks. I am also very assertive and I am not afraid to speak my mind. 

The third stage of development is initiative vs. guilt. This stage occurs from around three to five years old. This is the stage where children start to take initiative and they begin to assert themselves (Essay Writing Services). They also start to develop a sense of guilt and they begin to worry about what other people think of them. This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very independent and I am not afraid to take risks. I am also very assertive and I am not afraid to speak my mind.

The fourth stage of development is industry vs. inferiority. This stage occurs from around six to eleven years old. This is the stage where children start to develop a sense of industry and they begin to feel competent (Essay Writing Services). They also start to develop a sense of inferiority and they begin to compare themselves to others. This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very hard working and I am always striving to be the best that I can be.

The fifth stage of development is identity vs. role confusion. This stage occurs from around twelve to eighteen years old. This is the stage where children start to develop a sense of identity and they begin to figure out who they are (Essay Writing Services). They also start to experience role confusion and they begin to question their place in the world (Essay Writing Services). This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very independent and I am not afraid to take risks. I am also very assertive and I am not afraid to speak my mind. However, I do think that this stage of development has also made me a bit of a perfectionist. I tend to be very hard on myself and I strive for perfection in everything that I do.

The sixth stage of development is intimacy vs. isolation. This stage occurs from around eighteen to twenty-five years old. This is the stage where young adults start to develop a sense of intimacy and they begin to form close relationships (Essay Writing Services). They also start to experience isolation and they begin to feel alone. This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very independent and I am not afraid to take risks. I am also very assertive and I am not afraid to speak my mind.

The seventh stage of development is generativity vs. stagnation. This stage occurs from around twenty-five to sixty-five years old. This is the stage where adults start to develop a sense of generativity and they begin to care for others (Essay Writing Services). They also start to experience stagnation and they begin to feel stuck. This stage of development has influenced my personality in a positive way because I am very hard working and I am always striving to be the best that I can be (Essay Writing Services).

The eighth and final stage of development is integrity vs. despair (Essay Writing Services). This stage occurs from around sixty-five years old until death. This is the stage where older adults start to develop a sense of integrity and they begin to reflect on their life. They also start to experience despair and they begin to question their life choices (Essay Writing Services).

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